Sorry for the all caps title, wanted to catch attention :L
I was just wondering, does puberty effect girls' voices too?
I know boys' voices get gradually deeper through the stage of puberty but I wondered if girls are effected too. Most helpful and specific answer will receive 10 points! Thanks a bunch ^-^
BTW I'm a 13 year old girl


Your voice probably will not crack and squeak like a boy's voice does during puberty, but your voice will change! During puberty, your voice will become stronger and a little deeper. Estrogen causes your larynx or voice box to grow and your vocal cords to become longer and thicker. Once your vocal cords are finished growing, you will have a strong, full adult voice.

Hope this helps :)


Yes...boys and girls are born with vocal chords the same length but as they grow the vocal cords grow with them.

As with other things, during puberty, increased growth during this time causes a lengthening of of the vocal cords which does or can cause voice changes in girls,though not as drastic and deep.Boys voices change at a rat almost twice that of girls!

Typically the maximum vocal chords length in girls is10mm and boys are 16mm.

Best wishes!…

Puberty can start when you are 8 - 13...
Your voice probably will not crack and squeak like a boy's voice does during puberty, but your voice will change! During puberty, your voice will become stronger and a little deeper. Estrogen causes your larynx (LAIR-inks) or voice box to grow and your vocal cords to become longer and thicker. Once your vocal cords are finished growing, you will have a strong, full adult voice.
Erin :)

Puberty shouldn't affect girls' voice DRASTICALLY, but sure, it can definitely change the sound. Your voice may not crack and squeak like boys' voice does but the sound can become deeper or richer, maybe even higher. Your doctor or physician would probably have the best answer for something like this.

Girls voices definitely don't change and get as deep as guys voices do, but they do get a little deeper. Not by much though.

Yes they gradually get slightly deeper.

Yes, all girls voices can change. Our voices do not, though, same way guys do though... Hope this helps.

Health Class

Yes, If you have not noticed all women have a different voice than when they were 3.

yes they do the tone changes and they can get deeper.

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