How do I prevent a UTI?!


How do I prevent a UTI?

I do all of the usual things, drink water, pee after sex, take cranberry pills, drink cranberry juice etc. Are there any other ways to prevent UTIs? These don't seem to be working completely. Any suggestions?


I used to get UTI's pretty often and it seemed to be more when I travel. Let me first say that I HATE them. I really feel for patient I take care of that have them.
If you have an UTI often and are doing the all the things you listed above than you may have more going on than just a UTI. Your body may not be able to fight off the bacteria in your urinary tract. I would highly recommend that you see a physician about this.
One big thing that you can do is boost your immune system by taking Vitamin C and eating right as well. Cranberry juice is good as well, it helps to make your urine more acidic thus it helps to prevent bacteria from forming. UTIs are something that you really need to say ahead of the eight ball on. If you start increasing your water intake and drinking cranberry juice after you notice your symptoms than you may be too late. As far as sex try to have both you and your partner shower BEFORE sex. This may help keep bacteria from entering the urinary track to begin with.
This may be too much information for you.....from my personal experience beer and sex always seemed to want to spark an UTI. No sure what it was about that. So I try to avoid that combo.

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