How to stop sweating so much?!


How to stop sweating so much?

It's disgusting!! I wear deodorant and put it on like 2-3 times a day but I still sweat a lot. My shirts are getting ruined from it! I hate it! My mom is the same way. PLEASE. I NEED HELP. it's so embarrasing that I wear sweaters to cover it up in the summer, causing me to sweat even more! PLEASE HELP!!!


Additional Details

2 weeks ago
i eat healthy, and i live in germany but i don't really speak german.



I had the exact same problem! You can go to Wal-Mart and ask the people at the pharmacy counter if they carry "Drysol" it stings the first few times and burns quite a bit but after that just apply 2-3 times a week and it will stop your sweat 100%. I'm not sure if you can get it over-the-counter in Germany, but it's worth a try, or else you will have to go to your doctor. Believe me, I'm sure any doctor has had atleast one patient with this problem, I asked my doctor about it because I had that problem and he told me to get Drysol. Hope I could help!

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