Should I still work out when i'm on my period?!


Should I still work out when i'm on my period?

I get really really heavy periods ( I bleed through a pad+tampon in an hour usually) WITHOUT heavy cramping or mood changes/etc. I was wondering if I should continue with my regular workout routine ( running for an hour on hills and such) or if I should just not do that on my period days because it will cause me to bleed more? ( btw...I have worked out on my period before, i did go thru my pad+tampon sooner than usual, I was just wondering if this is bad for me, like could it cause anemia or something?)

Additional Details

2 weeks ago
Not to be mean or anything, but is there some other reason to exercise during your period besides trying to alleviate cramps or things like moodiness or bloating, because I really don't get those, just really heavy bleeding

2 weeks ago
I have gone to the doctor about this, and they believe its either PCOS ( not severe enough to need BC or other medication or hypothyroidism( have all the symptoms and an swollen thyroidbut normal blood tests), but aren't going to do anything to help treat the symptoms, so I have to make due.

2 weeks ago
sorry for so many additions, but my mom also had super heavy periods like mine ( from hypothryoidism and ovarian cysts) and she was the one that advised me not to work out during that time of the month.

2 weeks ago
and FYI, its a pad and tampon on at the same time, not a pad and then a tampon during the hour.


If you bleed through a tampon and pad on your heaviest days, then I wouldn't go running. I would find another activity/exercise that keeps you close to a restroom so you can change when you need to.

No, it's not bad for you. Your period is the passing of your unfertilized egg (I know, that sounds so....yuck). Now, if you bleed like that for 5 or more days, then you need to see your gynecologist.

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