My period started this afternoon and I'm going on holiday to the beach tomorrow.!


My period started this afternoon and I'm going on holiday to the beach tomorrow.?

How can I decrease the bloating and cramps? I've been wearing tampons for over five years now and I accept that my period will run its course regardless of where I am but this is a once in lifetime island experience! How can I make the trip there more comfortable (it's a five hour plane ride)?


If you are a heavy flower, wear and tampon and a pad on the plane ride.

I agree with the person above about the Pamparin for craps and bloating. Also take something heavy duty like Aleve along with you so that if you have a really bad case of craps you can knock them down quick.

Take the pain meds B/4 you start cramping. Take them as the directions instruct (every four hours, every bla, bla, bla) whether you need them or not.

Pack a beach bag that includes a couple tampons (OB no applicator are great b/c they are small and you don't have anything to dispose of and all you have to do is wash your hands afterwards), pain meds and some individually wrapped personal wipes.

Have a great trip!

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