Condom came i pregnant?!


Condom came i pregnant?

I am 16 and me and my boyfriend decided to have sex. When he went to pull out (with a condom on) the condom came off inside of me. He did not ejaculate inside of me- instead it was all over my leg and some managed to get on my butt. We could not find the condom and discovered it inside of me about 10-15 minutes later. The only way i feel i could have gotten pregnant is from the precum inside the condom. I have been very paranoid and scared. My parents do not know i have sex and i am doing everything not to let them find out. however if i am pregnant i will tell them. it has only been 7 days after having this incident happen. i have irregular periods so they come when they want. ever since the 4th day i have been having cramps like i'm goin to start my period but i read about implantation cramps. i usually cramp for up to a week before i start my period like this. i also have a clear discharge that dries yellow in my pants. other than that nothing has changed. i pregnant

Additional Details

3 weeks ago
i did get the condom out


Pregnancy caused by pre-ejaculate fluid, contrary to popular belief, is extremely rare. This does not mean that it doesn't happen, but pre-ejaculate fluid does not typically contain live, active sperm cells. The only time live, active sperm are present in pre-ejaculate fluid is when the male has not urinated since his last ejaculation to clear his urethra of any sperm that may be hanging out in there. So long as you're certain he did not ejaculate inside of you, you're probably safe.

Implantation cramping of bleeding does not usually occur until two weeks after intercourse, as this is how long it usually takes for implantation to occur, so it's just a bit too soon for you to be experiencing that. However, if in about a week or so, you start spotting, this could be implantation bleeding.

I suggest you try going to a clinic like Planned Parenthood and getting on a hormonal birth control of some kind. Planned Parenthood will be confidential, and will usually charge you only what you can afford (according to your income). To find one near you, go to

I just wouldn't worry about this too much. Remember that stress can cause your periods to be more irregular, and that worrying about it will do you no good. I honestly think that there is a very, very slim chance that you are pregnant.

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