Do I have TSS?!


Do I have TSS?

I ended my period 3 days ago and i don't use tampons at night or when my period is light. I may have left one in for 8hr 30 min. Two days I woke up with a headache (i figured that it was just from staying on the cpu until 3 am). Later that night i started to get the chills, they weren't that bad (i've had worse). I didn't get much sleep that night and i woke up feeling a little fatigued and with a bad taste in my mouth. I checked my temp throughout the day and it only reached 102 like 3 times..the rest it was below that. I haven't vomitted and i have an appetite. This morning I woke up feeling much better, I'm no longer warm or tired, but i just went to the bathroom and i have diarrhea.


Many people with toxic shock syndrome experience a 2- to 3-day period of mild symptoms before they develop the disease. These mild symptoms may include low-grade fever, muscle aches, chills, and malaise (a feeling of general discomfort, uneasiness, or ill health).

Toxic shock syndrome can affect most organ systems in the body, including the skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, blood, and pancreas. All people with toxic shock syndrome have a fever and a rash, as well as symptoms in at least 3 other organ systems. These symptoms or findings may include the following:
Fever greater than 102°F (38.9°C)

Rash (The rash of toxic shock syndrome is a red sunburnlike rash that covers most of the body. It is flat, not raised, and turns white if pressed. The rash may be difficult to see in dark-skinned people. Redness of the eyes, the lips, and the tongue [strawberry tongue] may also occur.)
Headache (very common)
Muscle aches
Sore throat
Nausea and vomiting
Diarrhea (profuse and watery)
Abdominal pain
Lightheadedness or fainting (especially on standing up)
Confusion or disorientation
Low blood pressure (systolic less than 90 mm Hg)

Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a rare, life-threatening illness that is caused by toxins (poisons) that circulate in the bloodstream. Bacteria that have infected some part of the body release these toxins. People with toxic shock syndrome develop high fever, rash, low blood pressure, and failure of multiple organ systems in the body.

if you think you have it you need to go to the doctor or hospital asap!! its serious

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