Bipolar disorder?!

Question: i have bipolar and i get really stressed during the holidays, i havnet had to take my medicine in about 2 years, i usually just take some vitamin b does anybody have any suggestions on some natural vitamins or herbs that helps with this. i don't like the way the medicine makes me feel and don't want to take it if i don't have to

Answers: i have bipolar and i get really stressed during the holidays, i havnet had to take my medicine in about 2 years, i usually just take some vitamin b does anybody have any suggestions on some natural vitamins or herbs that helps with this. i don't like the way the medicine makes me feel and don't want to take it if i don't have to

Oh wow, I think I fell asleep by the time I made it to the end of Soul Doctor's post, that was long!

As said above Bipolar is a chemical imbalance, meds correct this, but you are stuck on them forever to correct and have some side effects.

I suggest looking at some supplementation to assist in correcting the imbalance. Many people have increased exercise, water intake (remember our chemical processes only work in the presence of water in a well hydrated body), sleep, and added some phyto <plant> based supplementation and have been able to help control some of the core issues of the imbalance.

I suggest the above changes in lifestyle and add some regulatory and communication supplements along with a vitamin regimen. Add Glyconutrients, Phtyosterols, and Phtyonutirents (Plant based vitamins/micronutrients) to your diet along with the above suggestion and you will feel significantly better very quickly.

The above recommendation will make your medication more effective so do not stop your doctor proscribed medication unless you are directed by the doctor.

My sister is Bipolar and she would workout, take a long walk and of course Pray

Exercise has been proven even more effective than meds in these situations!!!

You've overcome a great huge hurdle...knowing what your stresses are can really help you especially at this time of year. I'm not a big fan of natural vitamins or herbs so I'd suggest doing what you normally do when you're a book, talk with a friend, join a support group. It's also important to realize when it's time to call your doctor and restart your medication if needed. You can always wean yourself off later. Good luck.

Mood Disorders / Affective Disorders -- Depression, Mania, Bipolar Disorder

The fundamental abnormality of an affective disorder is a disturbance of mood, either depression or mania. Depression is by far the commoner; most patients who have manic symptoms are also prone to depressive episodes but the reverse does not apply. In a few cases depressive and manic symptoms occur simultaneously or in rapid succession (mixed affective state/ bipolar disorder)

CAUSE of Mood Disorders / Affective Disorders -- Depression, Mania, Bipolar Disorder
- Genetic Factors have some role in bipolar disorder.

- Environmental factors like

Loss of mother before age 11
3 or more children under 14 living at home
Lack of confiding relationship
Lack of employment etc
are known to play a significant role in mood disorders.

- Physical Illness - A physical illness can be followed by depression, esp. those like cancer, AIDS, and heart diseases etc which carry serious implications. Also mood changes can occur after infectious mononucleosis or influenza and other viral illness.

Depression or mania could be the presenting feature of cerbrovascular disease, neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinsonism and endocrine diseases such as Cushing's syndrome, Addison's Disease, and hypothyroidism.

Mood changes can also be associated with drug therapy, for eg. corticosteroids, beta-adrenoceptor antagonists and other anti-hypertensive drugs. When mood disorder results directly from physical causes they are known as organc affective disorders.

- Personality - Some depressives have personality characteristics which are thought to predispose to the illness. this involves a negative attitude to oneself, the outside world and the future; the term 'cognitive triad' ha been applied to these attitudes.

Depression of mood is the primary symptom. There may be a diurnal variation of mood, depression being most distressing early in the morning or at the end of the day.
Loss of pleasure in life (anhedonia)
Loss of interest in oneself and others
Low self esteem
Self blame
Suicidal thinking
Feeling of guilt and worthlessness
Sleep disturbance (initial insomnia, early morning wakening or hypersomnia)
Poor concentration
Headache and other pains
Anorexia (loss of appetite)
Weight changes
Reduced libido
All these symptoms may not be present in any single person and the level of intensity of symptoms vary from person to person.

Mood Disorders / Affective Disorders -- Depression, Mania, Bipolar Disorder - HOW DIAGNOSIS IS MADE?

The diagnosis is usually done clinically based on the signs and symptoms.

Homeopathy offers very good treatment possibilities for depression with good results. There are large number of medicines which can be used and the selection of medicine depends not just on the symptoms but also on the cause. Depression is a manifestation of the disorder and to treat the manifestation it is necessary to find the cause. The success of treatment in such cases often depends on the ability of a homeopath to find the cause. The selection of medicine depends a lot on it. Like all psychological disorders, depressive illness also requires good case study and continuous monitoring by a competent homeopath. One should not try any form of self-medication. In qualified and experienced hands homeopathy offers good prognosis in this condition.

Some of the commonly indicated medicines are anacardium, arsenic-alb, aurum-met, ignatia, acid-phos, pulsatilla, natrum-mur, sepia, antim-crud, naja, nux-vom, stann, psorinum etc. The selection of medicine varies from case to case.


Antidepressant drugs, cognitive therapy, and electro convulsive therapy are used.


Visit a psychotherapist or join a support group where you can talk about your emotions freely.
Be more open with your family and friends - do not hide your feelings, share them.
Try to remain actively involved in some work/job.
Exercise daily - it not only is good for your body, but also for your mind. Exercise is known to increase the level of many neuro-hormones, which bring a feeling of well-being and happiness.
Eat a well balanced and nutritious diet with ample fluids.
Learn some meditation, yoga, or stress relieving exercises. These help a lot in regaining your control over your emotions.

Sense of well being evident as elation or ecstasy
Confidence and self-esteem are high
Grandiose ideas without any substance.
Thoughtless and risky behavior
Delusion of being especially gifted or of being well-connected.
Thoughts come rapidly
Speech is fast
Physical activity is increased
Appetite is initially increased but may be decreased later.
Sleep hours are reduced, but this does not cause fatigue.
Promiscuity may occur.

Homeopathy offers many medicines which work in such cases. In experienced hands the long term prognosis is good. Some of the medicines commonly used are belladona, stramonium, varatum-alb, hyoscamus, cuprum-met, nux-vomica, tarentula, syphilinum, lachesis, arsenic, cocaine, coffea, platina etc. There are many more medicines and the selection of medicine varies from case to case. The cause and past history of a person play a significant role in the selection of medicine. All such cases require continuous monitoring by an experienced physician.


Neuroleptic drugs like haloperidol or a phenothiazine or lithium carb are some of the drugs that are commonly used.

Electro convulsive therapy is given to resistant cases.

It is a mood disorder in which depression and manic symptoms occur simultaneously or in quick succession. It was previously known as 'Manic Depressive Psychosis'. Each phase of mania and depression may lat for many months.


Refer those of depression and mania

Homeopathy can help cases with bipolar disorder. Albeit the treatment is more prolonged and difficult than that of unipolar disorder. Most of the medicines used are similar to those used for depression and mania. The treatment usually continues for extended periods as each phase can last for many months. Also there is a tendency of relapse in such patients. But homeopathy does offer a better long term prognosis.

Homeopathic Medicines & Treatment for MENTAL PROBLEMS, Psychological Disorders, PSYCHOSOMATIC DISEASES

#Belladonna. [Bell]
The three great remedies of the Solanacae family have an important action on the mental state, and are possibly more often thought of and indicated in mental affections than other remedies. Belladonna is a remedy for delirious states, and must be given where there is wildness, restlessness, and a desire to cut or tear the clothing. The patient springs out of bed and strikes those around him. He appears frightened and sees objects when he closes his eyes. Speech and actions are hasty. It thus becomes a valuable remedy in acute mania, in fact, the highest form of mania , with great determination of blood to the head, hyperaesthesia of the senses, wild eyes and dilated pupils. Such patients may even bark like dogs and are most violent and pugnacious. No other remedy is more frequently indicated and a frequent mistake here is to give it too low; the higher potencies act better and more promptly. Violence is characteristic, great noisiness, the patient sings, screams and curses. Delusions of every conceivable variety may be present, in fact , it suits well a bowfins instantly with ridiculous actions. Butler says the Belladonna melancholic is exceedingly depressed, fearful and subject to violent attacks of weeping. Opium has also a fantastical insanity. Cocaine has a sensation as if foreign bodies were under the skin; this is in reality a hallucination. It has also hallucinations of hearing.

#Hyoscyamus. [Hyos]
This is also a remedy in acute mania with extreme excitation of the sensorium and abnormal impulses. Talcott says that Hyoscyamus "paints the mental town of its victim a brilliant and luminous red and stimulates him to sing in merriest and most vociferous tones the songs of Venus and Bacchus combined." The Hyoscyamus patient will perhaps imagine he is pursued by some demon or that some one is trying to take his life; and he runs away from an imaginary foe. He is talkative and, like Lachesis, constantly jumping from one subject to another. The face is only slightly flushed, not the violent congestion of Belladonna. He may see ghosts and demons, but the mania of Hyoscyamus is rather an acute non-inflammatory mania. Kali bromatum suits the acute mania of children where patient thinks he will be murdered or that people intend to strike him. Camphor has maniacal excitement, suicidal impulse. It is a splendid remedy in exhaustion psychoses with maniacal outbursts and vital powers at a low ebb. The Hyoscyamus patient acts silly and idiotic; is lascivious and lewd; throws the bed-clothes off and makes lewd and ridiculous gestures. Persists in stripping herself and uncovering the genitals. Nymphomania. It is a good remedy for the bad effects of extreme jealousy, fright, disappointed love, etc. moschata has occasional outbreaks of silly laughter and a delusion of having two heads. There is also a condition of depression found under Hyoscyamus with debility and prostration where questions are answered slowly or irrelevantly; there is a quick pulse, accumulation of sordes on the teeth, snoring breathing and dropping of the lower jaw. There is a great characteristic of the remedy usually present in these cases, namely, a constant picking at the bedclothes or objects in the air. There is also the great and characteristic symptoms of constant fear of being poisoned by the attendants, which Rhus also has. Cantharis. Here we have terrific outbursts of rage, the patient barks, and bites those around him. It is exceedingly destructive. Patient are filled with hallucinations and converse with people long dead. Such conditions are curable by Cantharis when reflex from sexual or bladder troubles. There is an overpowering sexual excitement with this remedy and the patients are desperate and excessive masturbators and manias with this symptom corresponds to it.

#Stramonium. [Stram]
This remedy. like the two preceding members of the same family, has mania, and it is wild and most terrifying , filled with hallucinations: he sees rats, mice, snakes and other animals approaching him and he retires in terror. He is also loquacious; he becomes religious, prays, laughs, talks foolishly and tries to escape; again he becomes Satanic, and has outbursts of violence with ideas of persecution. It corresponds well to many phases of erotic mania, nymphomania, and the mania of masturbation. The keynote of its symptomatology is terror. There is also a mania for light and company. Hallucinations of hearings, hears music and men talking in foreign languages. The symptoms are changeable, full of joy, and then full of range. Proud and then dull. Veratrum album might properly be compared with Stramonium. Here the patient may be restless and wild looking, and be violent ; but with this remedy there is much physical prostration indicated by the cold surface of body , cold sweat, blue rings under eyes, etc. Veratrum may also be well indicated in melancholia; the patient sits brooding all the time, distrusts every one. In religious melancholia, where the patient prays a great deal, is anxious about recovery, and despairs of salvation, it also has a curative action. Lilienthal says the Veratrum patient combines the wildest vagaries of the religious enthusiast, the amorous frenzies of the nymphomaniac and the execrative passions of the infuriated demon, each struggling for the ascendancy, and causing him to writhe and struggle with his mental and physical agonies. The following is a practical resume: Aconite, fear. Stramonium, terror. Belladonna, violence. Cantharides, madness. To this also add Veratrum, frenzy.

#Aurum metallicum. [Aur]
Our great remedy for melancholia where there is an actual disgust for life, a longing for death and a tendency to suicide; this tendency is only mental, the patient rarely, yet sometimes, attempting it. Dr. Talcott believes that Arsenicum oftener relieves suicidal tendencies than Aurum. Arsenicum also relieves tendency to self mutilation found in such patients. There is feeling of worthlessness and despair; she thinks she has lost the affection of friends and that she is doomed to complete damnation. The memory is weak; anger or dispute makes the patient furious ; there is a tendency to rush of blood to the head with these melancholic states. Argentum nitricum. Impulsive, always busy, errors in perception, dreads to pass a certain corner, makes mistakes as to distances. Glonoine. Well known streets seem strange.

#Sulphur. [Sulph]
The typical Sulphur patient is irritable, a chronic, constitutional grumbler or else a "ragged philosopher," life having been a failure. Its usefulness in mental conditions is extensive and it corresponds closely to religious mania or melancholia; he becomes most anxious about his own salvation, but different to that of others, an egotistic condition often seen in our asylums and sometime out of them. These patients will dress themselves up in rags and imagine that they are clad in gorgeous attire; they will wear paper crowns with the majesty of a king, prince or potentate. Sulphur also has a forgetfulness and patients will stop a long time to think how words are spelled Aconite being an acute Sulphur is most useful in mania and melancholia where there is a nervous excitement, fear of death, predicting the day thereof., and restlessness due to mental anxiety. It is particularly useful in sudden, and acute cases, which are worse in the evening. The patients are tortured by fears; afraid of darkness, ghosts. Convulsions of paresis may suggest Aconite. Pulsatilla. Religious melancholia, despair of salvation, constant prayer, folds the hands sits like a statue; sleepless, restless and changeable mania.

#Anacardium oriental. [Anac]
A most valuable remedy in mental disease, and its guiding characteristic is the well-known sensation of having two wills, one urging him on to do what the other forbids. It is a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde remedy. Another characteristic is the irritability of the patient , with an irresistible desire to swear and curse; this is not from a low moral of religious education, but from mental disease, usually a chronic mania. Anacardium has loss of memory, a condition for which the drug was used long before Homoeopathy established its scientific basis; again, the patient will imagine that he hears voices afar off talking to him, or he has a fixed idea that he is possessed of a devil, that he is double, or a woman will fancy that her child is not here own. Nitric acid. With this remedy there is a disposition to swear, the patient often imagining that she has a devil within her, that her mind and body are separate, or that her child is not her own. This remedy has also inclination to commit suicide by shooting. Anacardium is a remedy much used in low melancholic conditions, and its clinical record is a brilliant one. It is an excellent palliative in the dementia of old age. Butler sums up as follows: Antimonium crudum, peevish; Chamomilla, cross; Belladonna, pulgilistic; Nux vomica, ugly; Anacardium, cussed. In chronic manias it is more often curative than any other remedy.

#Cimicifuga. [Cimic]
In depressed states this is one of our best remedies. The patient is weak, depressed, "shrouded in a dark, heavy, mental atmosphere "; suspicions people and objects appear strange and unnatural, the brain feels too large. This sensation of a pall of gloom, or horrible sadness, settling over her is characteristic of the remedy. It is often expressed as a feeling as if something were about to happen, or as if they were going crazy. It thus becomes an important remedy in suicidal melancholia, melancholia of pregnancy in hysterical , rheumatic and neuralgic subjects, and especially in puerperal mania. Vision of rats and mice are sometimes seen, and the remedy has been successfully used in delirium tremens. Calcarea carbonica. The patient sees objects on closing the eyes which vanish when they are opened ; like Cimicifuga, it has an apprehensive state of the mind, the patient fearing she will go crazy , and that people will observe her. Alumina. Low spirited, apprehensive, fear of going crazy. Iodine. Fear of going crazy, shuns the doctor , has a dread of people, fears every occurrence will end seriously. Calcarea phosphorica. Dementia from masturbation in the young and senile dementia are often benefited by this remedy. Delirium from drink or uterine troubles in rheumatic subjects will often suggest Cimicifuga.

#Natrum muriaticum. [Nat-m]
The patient requiring this remedy is melancholic, hypochondriacal, sad and hopeless about the future, easily angered, in fact, consolation aggravates. There is emaciation and a prematurely aged look. The periodic nature of the attacks of the attacks may suggest a malarial basis. Overheating in the sun as a causal indication is a prominent symptom. Patient sheds floods of tears. With this remedy there is a persistent recalling of past unpleasantnesses and grievances. His memory is poor, conversation disconnected, has hallucinations of hearing and delusions. It has awkwardness, like Bovista, Lachesis, Aethusa, Apis, Ignatia and Nux vomica. Pulsatilla. Mild, gentle and tearful,seeks consolation; not introspective like Ignatia. Natrum carbonicum. Hypochondriacal, dependent on gastric disturbances. The patient for whom Natrum muriaticum is suitable is apt to have unjustifiable antipathy against certain people.

#Sepia. [Sep]
Another melancholic remedy is Sepia, which has dark forebodings about her disease, weak memory, sense of helplessness and great susceptibility to excitement, and still more to terror; despair; she dreads to be alone, wants company, but has an aversion to her own friends and is indifferent to her household affairs. It is especially useful in women with leucorrhoea and organic disease of the uterus or ovaries. Stannum. Low spirited in lung affections---an uncommon state; a tearful disposition ; fears he will go into a decline. Thuja. Patient hurried ; trifles make him angry; fixed idea of being brittle and will not permit anyone to approach, or that she is under the influence of mesmerists or spiritualists. Soul and body separated. Music causes weeping and trembling of feet.

#Ignatia. [Ign]
Most cases of melancholia at some period of their treatment require Ignatia; it suits women better, while Arsenicum and Nux vomica are more suitable to men. The Ignatia patient is melancholic, given to sighing, with a tendency to weep. she hides her grief, is introspective, changeable and silent. It is a remedy full of disappointments, and jealousy, and is most suitable to complaints arising from fear, grief, shock, or prolonged brooding over real or imaginary troubles. They refuse sympathy, but fancy themselves neglected by friends. The patient has a disposition to brood over her sorrows, has remorse about imaginary crimes, is intolerant to noise and tends to fixed ideas. Lasciviousness is a symptom that should not be overlooked.

#Phosphoric acid. [Ph-ac]
This remedy suits conditions of long lasting effects of grief rather than the acute forms. A great characteristic is indifference, homesickness; is not irritable, but slow of comprehension ; shows no interest in anything , a don't care condition. Another characteristic is failure of memory. Picric acid is a rival of Phosphoric acid in threatened dementia praecox, with utter prostration, burning in spine, weakness of legs, pains in back and occiput. Desire to sit still without taking interest in surrounding things.

#Nux vomica. [Nux-v]
This remedy suits overworked fidgety business men of sedentary habits; they cannot bear to be opposed, are irritable and irascible, easily put out, quick to act; those of a fitful temper and where there is a great disinclination to mental work. In conditions of resistive melancholia and negativism where the patient resists everything done for her, with no interest in anything, offensive breath, etc., it is often productive of beneficial results. The most disagreeable of maniacs with "pure cussedness," difficult to manage, apposed to everything , is the Nux vomica patient. Hypochondriasis in the sedentary is met well by the remedy. Lycopodium has a torpor of the mind; the patient is melancholic and hypochondriacal, dependent mostly on digestive and hepatic troubles. The Nux patient is oversensitive; every harmless word offends and every little noise frightens. They are anxious and "besides themselves."

#Cannabis Indica. [cann-i]
This remedy produces marvelous kaleidoscopic visions and illusions as to time and space; a minute seems thousands of years, and a thing a short distance off seems yards away. He imagines he is swelling and his body is becoming large, that he hears numberless bells ringing; a multitude of images crowd the brain and he feels as if he were somebody else. Voices come from a great distance and seem to enchant him.

#Lachesis. [Lach]
The snake poisons all have poisoned minds. With Lachesis there is great loquacity, the patient jumping from one subject to another; jealous, fear of being poisoned and refuses both medicine and food. Has to think how words are spelled. Muttering delirium, with dropping of the lower jaw and illusions, such as imagining that he is under some superhuman control or that he is dead. Melancholia at change of life. Delusion that he is persecuted, worse after sleeping Neurasthenia.

#Agaricus. [Agar]
A menacing frenzy causing patient to assail himself and other. Incoherent talking, delusions of power and personal importance; a tremulousness is often present which terrifies the patient. Mania complicated by chorea.

#Platinum. [Plat]
The proud, egotistical mental state of this remedy is too well known for comment. The patient has illusions, everything is inferior to her in body and mind, and she looks down on everybody with contempt. Objects look smaller or strange, there is indifference, everything seems too narrow. There is a great dread of death which seems near. It is a useful remedy in hysterical mania, where things seem horrible, and all serious thoughts are displeasing. Palladium. Music excites, constantly getting slighted, is easily offended and scolds continually. Women with tendency to nymphomania and excitement of the genitalia indicate well Platinum.

#Baptisia. [Bapt]
This remedy is seldom used in mental affections, its field being confined to typhoid conditions, where it is indicated by a wandering of the mind; he is restless and disturbed ; he cannot sleep, and he thinks he is double and scattered about, and he must move to get his pieces together again. These are the mental characteristics of Baptisia, and together with the weakness and other symptoms of typhoid indicate it in that disease. In dangerous forms of melancholia with stupor assuming a typhoid condition there is no better remedy.

#Chamomilla. [Cham]
This remedy is of great use in diseases of the mind where there is over-sensitiveness and a snappish irritability. Children and adults also, that are especially sensitive to pain, snappish, short and cannot be civil, consequence of anger. Staphisagria. Trouble from anger, pride and envy. Colocynth. Colic from anger. Bryonia. Gastro-enteric symptoms from anger, apathetic, irritable, obstinate and passionate.

#Arsenicum. [Ars]
Useful for the depressed delirious, fear of death, fear of being alone, with strong suicidal tendencies. See ghosts and vermin, crawling on bed. It relieves the tendency in the insane to the mutilation of the body, picking at the skin until sore, chewing finger nails,etc. Exhaustive insanity and acute delirious mania with typhoid symptoms and rapid exhaustion. Acute melancholia and especially melancholia agitata come within the province of Arsenicum. Restlessness, thirst, physical exhaustion and midnight aggravation. Silicea. With this remedy there is an erethism combined with the exhaustion.

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Take the remedy which is similar to your symptoms. No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.

Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine.

Best of Health to you.

Take care and God Bless you.

If you have verified bipolar disorder, you have a chemical imbalance in your brain which is not going to be helped by herbs or vitamins. By not taking your meds, you are at risk of relapse. Due to the nature of your diagnosis, you may not know when you've relapsed.

It is dangerous and irresponsible to suggest homeopathic remedies

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