Is it safe to participate in both chiropractic and bowen and/or rolfing simultan!

Question: I have heard conflicting messages from the providers of each and wonder if anyone has a good resource.

Answers: I have heard conflicting messages from the providers of each and wonder if anyone has a good resource.

What are they saying? I have never heard of Bowen, and from what I understand about rolfing, it is some sort of postural correction technique. As for chiropractic, there are so many things we tell our patients, you would need to explain a little further, but as far as I can tell, I can't see any conflicts.

Back when the Bowen Technique came into being, it's originators were, how do you say: controlling, paranoid and extremely restrictive? It's an amazing technique. I saw it almost completely rehab a stroke victim's non-functional arm. She got back about 90% ROM from almost nothing within about a 6 week-2 month period. I was delighted, amazed and profoundly impressed. I was not, however, excited to hear about the contract practitioners were required to sign both before and after training which contained restrictive and prohibitive clauses about how the treatment could be given, to whom, how it couldn't be shared and demands that it not be combined with the use of any other modality, etc. etc. etc. In my view, healing modalities should and must be shared with all. I don't have a problem w/ practitioners asking for compensation: It costs to learn these techniques, and rent ain't free, as we ALL know (nor is food, gas, clothing, healthcare, medicine, diapers, shelter, lights, electricity, furniture, lodging, etc, etc...) As a practicing massage therapist, and as an eclectic kinda hippy chick mom and woman, I tend to throw stuff into the pot and see what comes out. I rarely fail with this "technique". I find Rolfing (Structural Integration) tends to fix and to deepen the work of chiropractic. It clears things much more deeply and I find I need less adjustments and feel much better after a session of Rolfing. I do not like the use of TENS units or devices that some Chiros insist on using. I've experienced rather poor outcomes in both myself and my patients/clients with some chiropractors. I've had GREAT luck, however, with a Network Chiropractor named Dale Powers in Auburn, CA. I learned more about healing and health, and what it truly is to feel well and good from him, than I think I ever have almost anywhere else in this world. My body just simply grooved to this modality, and I need to get back to it. I have never seen a more beautiful, powerful, simple or more highly effective technique than the Bowen Technique, and that especially with stroke and head injury sufferers. The woman I was speaking about above with 90% loss of range of motion, who couldn't even dress herself, eat or drive w/ her formerly dominant side and had great difficulty walking had been told by allopathic doctors that "This is (was) as good as it got and would get and that she should just be thankful she was alive..." She was told this by some of the "best" doctors in CA. Good thing she didn't listen to them. Network Chiropractic is an extremely light touch form of chiropractic, that is almost more like energy work in the beginning. It later progresses (*or did in me) to deeper thoracic adjustments and some POWERFUL, amazing cervical adjustments. I am asthmatic and have been hospitalized for this on numerous occasions. I was once on my way to the ER, but decided to go see Dr. Dale (let's just say it was an intuition...or my more intelligent self speaking to me that made the decision to go see Dale. I also didn't have a week to be in the hospital as the single mother of two kids...) He fixed me and got me out of my asthma attack in less than 20 minutes. Some things are miraculous, and highly effective. These three treatments are amongst the best I've ever found.

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