What is the best way to fight a cold sore?!

Question: white vinegar...stings, but dries it up so fast.

Answers: white vinegar...stings, but dries it up so fast.

some people think taking a huge dose of vitamin B helps... i never tried it, i use zovirax and that helps.

my mom uses alum (i think thats what its called) its in the spice section...hurts but it works.....also try toothpaste!!!

Tea Tree Oil.
Mix 4 drops oil with four tablespoons of olive oil.
Pat mixture on cold sore several times daily until gone.

carmax(lip balm) and zinc tablets. Drink Loads( 8oz) glasses of water 8 times a day. Keep lip gloss or something protective when in the sun, as it and dehydration are the two things that seem to make them break out. Along with loads of Stress

The best way to fight a coldsore is with L-Lysine ointment. You can either find it in health food stores or online at:
To prevent cold sores in the future, you can take a daily L-Lysine supplement, which can be found at any drug store.

Kim at: http://www.peaceful-organic-planet.com/n...

I use a good quality organic Tea Tree essential oil...straight.

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