Prescription Rights?!

Question: Prescription Rights!?
What is the scope of practice of Naturopathic Doctors (ND)!? I read that in some states they have prescription rights and can do injections and invasive procedures!. Is this true!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Prescribing allopathic medicine does seem to be quite contrary to the naturopathic principles so I would be very surprised if this was true unless the naturopath is also a registered allopathic physician!.

Changing the subject should we really take any notice of someone who uses quackwatch as a source of reference!? Especially when the author has admitted under cross examination in court to have lied about his qualifications and considers himself an expert in medico-legal matters although freely admits he has had no legal training whatso ever!.
Thats a little like me reading a few books on surgery and then setting myself up as a surgeon isn't it!?
Can someone remind me exactly how many court cases that he has raised against altmed practitioners have been thrown out!?
Correct me if i'm wrong but on the strength of these facts does Steven Barret sound like someone who can be trusted!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Writing of prescription medicines and performing ANY type of surgery, including injections, in the USA is only allowed by a state-board licensed medical doctor!. Some ND's are also medical doctors -- that is the only exception, because that person would already be a licensed-to-practice-medical doctor!.

Chiropractors, most of whom are not ND's, are also not allowed to write an Rx or inject anything or perform minor office surgery!. They can write scripts for x-rays at the hospital and for blood work -- if the hospital recognizes them as having a legitimate practice!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

The naturopathic philosophy is based on using natural therapies to stimulate the body's own healing response!. In cases when drugs & major surgery are required, patients are referred to medical doctors!. Patients undergoing surgery or on prescription medication can benefit from concurrent naturopathic treatment!. In Canada, naturopaths registered in British Columbia are licensed to perform minor surgery!. In the USA, naturopaths are able to prescribe some medication, such as antibiotics!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Naturopaths are not allowed to prescribe actual pharmaceuticals, though many will prescribe homeopathic (ie placebo) as well as herbal treatments!.

Many of the things they advocate are invasive!.!.!.such as colon therapy!. While some of what they suggest (proper nutrition,exercise, relaxation) is just common sense advice, they don`t have any proprietary rights to it!. Most of their philosophy is complete nonsense, has no basis in science, and is magical thinking!. Some of their cancer advice is actually dangerous!.


probably, ive heard they can but dont know for sure!. licensing of doctors is done at a state level so it varies state to state as to what they can and cant do!. ive always thought it is kinda ironic though because there are only a couple prescription drugs that are truely natural!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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