Tea bags work?!

Question: Tea bags work!?
I heard that if you have a sty (sp!?) in your eye that if you use a tea bag after you brewed yourself some tea it would heal the sty better than if you did hot compresses!. Is this true!?
Also does anyone have other home remedies to cure them!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hey Mr!. Corleone !!!

- I have a book here called "1801 Homes Remedies" & this is what it says okay!.
- I will try 2 list them all out for U here & U can decide on which 1 U'd like 2 try, so here we go!.!.!.!.!.!.

- Perhaps the biggest challenge when U have a sty in U're eye is resisting the temptation 2 rub it!. It's a natural reaction, but no amount of rubbing will get rid of that something-in-my-eye feeling, & the bacteria that infected the follicle can spred 2 others!. Instead, use moist heat 2 bring the sty 2 a head & follow these tips 2 keep U're eyelids clean & clear of future irritations!.

Have a Heated Exchange:
- Apply a warm compress 2 the affected eye for 10 to 15 minutes 4 times a day for 2 or 3 days!. For a compress, U can use a soft washcloth, a piece of clean cotton cloth, a gauze pad or even a tea bag!. Run warm water over the item, close U're eye & hold the moistened compress agains the eyelid!. Once U get used 2 the heat against U're eye, U can moisten the compress a few more times with ever-warmer water!. The heat will cause a sty 2 come 2 a head & rupture sooner!. Once U've used a compress, it should either be thrown away or (if it's a washcloth) washed it in very hot water before U use it again!. Otherwise, U mite re-infect U're eye with the bacteria!.
- 2 give a hot compress extra infection-fighting power, soak it in tea made from "calendula" flowers!. Put 2 teaspoons dried flowers in a bowl, add 2 cups of boiling water & steep for 20 minutes, then strain out the flowers!.
- There's another way 2 bring heat 2 a painful peeper!. Boil an egg until it's hardboiled & then take it out of the hot water & wrap it in a clean cloth!. Hold the hot egg against the outide of U're eyelid!. It stays hot longer than the compress!.
- Hot potatoes works 2!. Microwave a potato, cut it in half & put it on a cloth over U're eye!.It stays hot for a long time so U can relax, recline & enjoy the break!.

Beat Back Bacteria:
- 2 boost U're immune system & help fight infections-causing bacteria, take 200 milligram of "echinacea" 3 or 4 times a day & continue until the sty goes away!.
- Eat 1 clove of fresh garlic a day!. It may not be U're favorite appetizer, but it has antibacterial properties!. If U canstand 2, eat it raw for best effect!.

The Power of Prevention:
- If U are prone 2 sties, U may want 2 bathe U're eyelids once a day 2 keep the follicles clear!.
- An easy way 2 do this is 2 gently rince U're closed eyelids with a mixture of "no-tears baby shampoo" & warm water!.
- Every couple of days, apply a warm compress 2 U're eyelids 2 prevent oil glands from becoming blocked!.
- Take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil every day or take 2 flaxseed oil capsules!. This can help prevent follicles from clogging!. If U'd like 2 get the most benefit from pure flaxseed oil, then just add it 2 salads or put it on bread but don't cook it!. Heat breaks down it's nutrients!.
- 2 prevent speading infection 2 other members of U're family or re-infecting yourself when U have a sty, wash U're hands frequently & keep them away from U're eyes!. For the same reason, don't share u're washcloth or towels with other family members!. Change U're towel & pillowcase often!.
- Make sure that U get enough vitamin A by taking a multi-vitamin or eating foods such as broccoli, cantaloupe, spinach & swordfish!.
- If sty is a problem for U, it may be a sign of vitamin A deficiency!.

Well I hope that this gives U more idears on how 2 treat it &
on how 2 control it cause I just wrote everything that this book has 2 offer for U!.
Good luck & take care my friend!.
U're pal;

If you have recurrent sties, homeopathy heals the underlying susceptibility for getting them!. You'd have to consult with a trained homeopath!. Sometimes, however, a sty is "acute" in nature!. A self-help remedy can be safely taken!. You have to do a bit of work, considering your particular symptoms (they do vary)!. Here's a favorite self-help website of my clients:
(I searched "sty")Www@Answer-Health@Com

Camomile tea is best!.!. prepare yourself a cup of camomile tea!. drink the tea!.!. after use the tea bag
on your eye!. The tea bag should be lukewarm or cool not hot! to you question the answer is yes!
Home remedy!.!.!. carrot juice, honey, spinach, eyebright herb, mix all together in blender!.!. drink
this mixture regularly for about a month or so!.!. if it doesn't help go see a doctor!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i am sure it wouldn't hurt!. If you won't go to the dr!. then you try the herbal way!. I usely go the herbal way unless it is something serious!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i hear you can put your pee in your eye and it helps but im not 100% sure!.
ive been told it works for any eye problems!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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