Any home remedies for colds or flu??!

Question: Any home remedies for colds or flu!?!?
please all advice welcome

God BlessWww@Answer-Health@Com

Take Olive leaf Extract (500mg) capsules, one capsule, two or three times daily just before food!.!.!.!.!. or you can get it in a liquid form !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. children can take olive leaf Elixir!.!.!.!.!. Olive leaf extract has been used as a natural antiotiobic for thousand years, but is only recently that scientific research has shown that its active ingredient oleuropein, has the ability to fight a broad range of infective microorganisms!.!.!.!. Oleuropein has been found to be effective in fighting bacteria, fungi, yeasts, parasites and viruses in laboratory studies!.

Eat foods and condiments that are natural antiobiotics too ~ raw garlic, onions, leeks, shallots, radishes, fenugreek, fresh gingerroot, chilli and plenty of raw salads and fruits and their juices!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. if you find it difficult to eat hot spicy things try eating them with plenty of food and even small amounts of these things can help to expel infected mucous from your body!.!.!.!.!.!.!. try grating raw garlic or expelling its juice in a garlic press or chop it into tiny pieces and mix through cooked foods and salads thus a little easier to tolerate!.!.!.!.!.!. or add some fresh garlic juice to your vegetable juice cocktail!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. raw garlic and other plants from the onion family are superb powerful naturall antiobiotics and can help to eradicate and control infections from any part of the body!.!.!.!. even in cases where there is resistance to antiobiotic drugs!.!.!.!.if you absolutely hate raw garlic and its odor then you can use the garlic capsules which aren't as effective!.

Check out this link, it may be of use to you ~


Pump up your fresh filtered water intake as the happiest and healthiest body will always be the most hydrated one!.

Avoid sugar as bacteria will only multiply and feed on sugar!. Also avoid B complex thieves such as caffeine, tea, sodas and soft drinks, alcohol !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. all these things will also do a great job of dehydrating you!.

Paradoxically otc cold and flu meds and aspirin will also do a fine job of robbing you of your B complex of vitamins as well as your precious supplies of Vitamin C!.

Take a B complex supplement as the B complex of vitamins are essential for healthy neural digestive and immune system functioning and will assist your body in dealing with stress of being ill !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. take one even after you recover!.

Ensure you are drinking or eating something with Beta - carotene in it daily to heal quicker and in future to prevent further colds, as Vitamin A will aid in the proper function of the immune system, shorten the duration of illnesses and generally bolster the health of the mucosal lining of your ear nose and throat ie: carrott juice, pumpkin soups, eggs!.

Eucalyptus oil has long been respected for its ability to lower temperatures and help the respiratory tract by loosening and removing mucus during attacks of bronchitis, coughs, flu, sinusitis and throat infections!. Its antiviral and antibacterial action will deter further growth of the bacteria or virus!.

Put a capfull of eucalyptus oil into a hot bath and soak in that for 15 - 20 minutes luxuriously inhaling the steamy wonderfull vapours!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. this will help enormously in loosening congestion and mucus from your chest and respiratory tract!.

Put a few drops of eucalyptus oil also onto a hanky and lie it next to your pillow at night to help ease breathing!.

Fill a salad bowl with hot water and put 1/2 a capfull of eucalyptus oil into it ~ make a tent with a towel over your head and lean over the bowl and inhale the steamy eucalypt vapours !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. being carefull not to get so close that you burn your face!.

Caution ~ Do not use eucalyptus oil if you suffer from epilepsy or high blood pressure !.!.!.!.!.!.!. if either is the case simply substitute with tea tree oil which is also a brilliant antiviral and antibacterial!. Also do not use eucalyptus oil for pregnant or breastfeeding women or on infants or young children under 5 years of age!. Under no circumstances should you ever ingest eucalyptus oil !.

Oh, ditch the milk and dairy for a while too as they will only encourage the production of more mucous !.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. eat more fresh fish, organic almonds & brazil nuts and leafy and green vegies instead to pump up your intake of calcium!.

hope this helps u

peace 2 u

Cleanse your ear/nose/throat with hydrogen peroxide!. I felt a cold coming on and it worked for me!.

Here's the method I learned except I also poured the peroxide into each of my ears until it stopped bubbling!. Here ya go!.

I have been using the following method to treat all colds for the past 15 years, and since first trying it, use nothing else to treat colds!. I use the cap from the peroxide bottle and put 1/4 cap of peroxide the rest of the cap is filled with water dripped from the faucet!. I put a finger over one nostril and sniff the mixture up the other nostril!. I repeat this with the other nostril!. One cap full (1/4 peroxide 3/4 water) usually will treat both nostrils!. When the solution drain down the nostril passage to the throat I spit it out and blow my nose!. Guess what!? Instant relief then and there not ten minutes later but then and there!. When you blow your nose you will be amazed at what come out!. This is especially great for head colds,but also sore throat and stops coughing colds as well!. I usually only have to do this twice at about 8 hour intervals!. After that or by the next morning were talking, what cold!? I have not tried using the inhaling through the mouth method since I have discovered that the cold always appears to be in the nostril passage!. Even the sore throat symptom is in the nasal passage between the nose and throat and you will feel where it is when the mixture drains down the nostril passage!. If you find that a 1/4 peroxide to 3/4 water too strong, i!.e!., stings too much, use slightly less peroxide and more water!. I sniff rather than spray the mixture as I found that spraying does not atomize and coat the entire nostril passage as well as when the mixture is sniffed!. Try it and you will also be amazed!."


Chicken soup and saltine crackers
Lemon tea- squeeze a fresh lemon into hot water!. Add just enough honey to cut the bitterness!.!. drink twice a day!.
Echinacea/Goldenseal gel capsules (you can find them just about anywhere!. Helps strengthen the immune system)!.
Nice, warm baths with epsom salts and steam to help clear up the nasal passages and relax aches!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I usually just go to bed and moan a bit!.

In no time I get all the above mentioned remedies and lots of love and care!.

Don't go off at me!.!.!.!.she does it too when she's sick and then its my turn to wear the nurse uniform and she plays at being the patient to the hilt!. lol!.


Check out for most effective and simple remedies


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