Does anyone eat or take Nopal (cactus pads/fruit) on a regular basis?!

Question: Does anyone eat or take Nopal (cactus pads/fruit) on a regular basis!?
What form do you consume, and have you seen noticeable health benefits!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've eaten the leaves sauteed in olive oil as a sandwich!. And I've eaten the fruits in Morocco, they are a very tasty snack in hot weather!. I bought a product in a Mexican store here in my city that contained dried cactus juice plus dried green vegetables and dried fruit juices!. I was having problems with my gall bladder and acid reflux, I bought about 3 packages and mixed it up for a drink about 2-3 times per day!.!.!.each package lasted about 2 weeks!. It sure helped my gall bladder and the acid reflux problem, nopal juice is very similar to aloe vera juice, and I later started buying concentrated aloe vera juice at my local health food store and continued using it for a couple months at a time!. The gall bladder is not bothering me at all now!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I love nopal!. It's a great additive to any diet!. Low in carbs and it will help keep you "regular" as well with it's great fiber!. If your diabetic then it can go along ways in helping regulate your glucose levels!. The greatest benefit though would be the fiber it has in it!. Also very good for people who are on high protien and lo carb diets because it is hard to find things that are low in carbs and has high fiber content so thats why they usualy end up constipated!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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