Can i rely on the reflexology patch?!

Question: Can i rely on the reflexology patch!?
i am using reflexology patch to lessen the pain i always have on the first day of menstruation!. so i patch a pair on both feet at the heels as directed!. first use 5 consecutive nights, then i use once or twice a week or once in 2 weeks!. the directions say once a month!. every time i took off the patch, there always black and sticky matter!. does that really mean that it work!? shouldn't the black matter lessen to indicate that toxin hs been drawn out from blood circulation!? i have used it for almost 2 months nowWww@Answer-Health@Com

There's a couple sided answer to this question!. First off, there is a LOT of debate out there about the foot detox pads!. Some say they are fantastic, some say they don't work at all, but what I would ask to you is, "are they working for you!?"
If they are working well enough for you, I'd say to keep using them!. If not (by following the directions), then there are many other natural options available!. If you would like some natural alternatives, there's Dong Quai, Black Cohosh, Vitex (also called Chasteberry), Wild Yam, Damiana Leaf, Motherwort, GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid, commonly in Borage Oil and Evening Primrose Oil), and some Soy germ products!.
There are millions of women world-wide that use and get a lot of benefits from any combination of these ingredients for help with their "monthly issues"!. I've had a number of women even report that their PMS is significantly reduced, their cramps are minimized, and they don't have anywhere near as bad of issues during that time of the month!. Good luck!

reflexology does nothing and is based on a made up theory!. there is no reason why a patch would change that!. the theory relies in non existant channels of energy from your feet to vital organs!. reflexologists are not put off by the fact that there is no way to verify the existance of these channels or that it fail all clinical trials!. All a clinical trial does is remove as many variables as possible and tests the treatment compared to a group that does not recieve the treatment!. if both groups show the same then you might conclude that the treatment is doing nothing!. the fact that the "nothing" group also shows some positive results tells you all you need to know about what to think when someone tells you that they were ill took some alternative medicine and then got better!. never listen to peoples stories as proof that a treatment works because if they had been in a trial there is clearly a percentage chance that they would be amongst the nothing group that showed positive results!. Www@Answer-Health@Com

How is your diet!? Do you get enough essential fatty acids!? This may help PMT, oil of evening primrose!.
As for the foot patches, theres been a lot of talk about them, one article attached


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