What is cranial sacral therapy?!

Question: What is cranial sacral therapy!?
Is cranial sacral therapy along the same lines as Reiki!? Or, is it like chiropractic care!. Not quite holistic, but, still disputed among some physicians!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

bakeboss pasted a Wiki article explaining it!.

What he failed to point out is that it is utter rubbish!.
Disputed among physicians!? Not at all, the overwhelming majority of modern physicians agree it is nonsense!.


Yes, very much disputed among physicians!.

It's not like Reiki at all!. There is no energy which is passed on with the hands in cranio-sacral therapy (CST)!.

It is not like chiropractics either, as chiropratics is definite manipulation of bones and joints!.

CST is a gentle manipulation, sometimes hardly perceptible, which aims at aligning the cranium (head) and the sacral area (pelvis) and at the same time aligning the spine in between, as it should be!. Then everything falls naturally into place!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Craniosacral therapy (also called CST, cranial osteopathy, also spelled CranioSacral bodywork or therapy) is a method of Complementary and alternative medicine used by physical therapists, massage therapists, naturopaths, chiropractors and osteopaths!. A craniosacral therapy session involves the therapist placing their hands on the patient, which they state allows them to tune into what they call the craniosacral system!. By gently working with the spine, the skull and its cranial sutures, diaphragms, and fascia, the restrictions of nerve passages are said to be eased, the movement of CSF through the spinal cord can be optimized, and misaligned bones are said to be restored to their proper position!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

All of these can be answered best by upledger!.com John Upledger was the first to Develop Cranial sacral therapy!. He was a spinal surgeon!. Go to the website it will answer your questions and even help you find a therapist if you decide to give it a try!. One of the things it does is help the sutures in the skull move freely!. Most people have bones that are stuck and it gently helps them to move!. Good luck! Www@Answer-Health@Com

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