If you've ever smoked weed?!

Question: If you've ever smoked weed!?
How old were you when you started!? Did you quit!? If you did how old were ya!? And why did you quit!. If you still do it do you think that Weed can be bad for you!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

started at 15 !.!.never quit !.!.no problems after 30 yrsWww@Answer-Health@Com

I started smoking weed when I was in 6th grade with 3 of my closest friends!. So I was around 10 or 11!. From 6th grade to 8th grade I smoked probably once a week, if even that!. I started smoking almost everyday during the summer taking me into my Freshman year of High School!. I still smoke weed til this day!. Sometimes multiple times a day, everyday!. I don't think weed has made any negative changes in my life, except maybe the fact that I sometimes forget really recent things!. Small things like what I ate for breakfast, or if I left my straightener on!. One thing that is bad about weed is trying to get a job, since most places drug test!. My boyfriend used to use some type of detox liquid when he was on Probation and it worked great for him!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


sorry for the caps***

anyway, i have never really quit!. i started when i was 15ish!? and i still do im 21!. i never did it like ALL the time though!. the most i ever did was probably every other day for a month or so!.

weed can be bad for your health but dont panic, its organic ;)

also, i dont think it is bad for your social life/education etc as long as you odnt let it control your life!. if your smoking all day everyday!.!.!.you have a problem but if you do it every so often and enjjoy it, then thats awesome!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I grew up in the 60's when pot was everywhere!. I saw what it did to the people I grew up with!. They call it a "gateway drug" because most people who use it, go on to harder stuff!. Several of the people I went to school with died as a result of drug use, which started with pot!. Several more are worthless no goods who got stuck in the 60's and never amounted to anything!. Very few made it out of the drug culture without some kind of hangup from drug use!. I tried it a couple of times when I was 14 or 15, didn't do anything for me except make me paranoid and hungry!. I didn't like the fact that it took control of who I really was!. never tried it again, never regretted the decision!. Ran into my best friend from Jr High school a year or two ago!. He is now 52, still smoking pot, living in a week to week motel, three times divorced, 6 kids who hate him, can't hold a thought or have an intelligent conversation!. This from a guy who was an honor student prior to getting into the drug scene!. Thanks but no thanks!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i smokd weed for about ten years!. I have quit now!. I dont think its that good for you because now I have memory problems!. I also heard voices when I was high!. I used to smoke a 25 dollars bag, in a few mintues!. I had three of the a day for three years with my friends!. We woulf buy each other sticks(aussie name for a bag of weed) and share the mull!. So I was getting a lot of intake!.; I have friends that smoke and grow now and I think they are totally addicted!. Fom a quitters point of view I see how it affects you!. It makes you lazy and the high changes as you use it more!. You get blunted less as you continue to use it!. There is a lot of weed going around and it is big business!. Almost everyone in australia smokes weed!. Its an epidemic!. The smoke you can get is nomal hydroponic and then you can get the normal bush bud!. The hydroponic is more stronger and knocks you more than the bush bud!. Some of my frineds smoke the leaf because that is all they can get at the time and I have found it just produces a slight headache!. Its a complet waste of time!. A lot of people smoke to be social but I think smoking it is a sign of something being wrong!. If you take drugs some thing is wrong with you life because people take it to forget thier problems!. I have found that smoking weed and not smoking weed as comparisons are like this!.!.!.!.you are depedant on something and it costs you lots of money, it makes you crazy and can cause skitzophrenia and your health is affected!. The lungs take a battering from mull and also you dont get as happy as normal when your off the drug!. The thc receptors in your brain stop producing its own thc and thc is happiness basically!. When you dont smoke you might not be able to hang around your friends who smoke because you may find yourself looking down on them and find there is nothing to your friendship but the use of the drug!. I have found that quitting is much better!. I have more money i just drink if I want to party and it is healthier too!. The money is the greatet hting cause a stick costs 25 bucks!. That is a lot if you are saving for something!. Plus weed smoke has a aquaintance with being a loser!. I dont think that but a lot of people do!. I just dont judge smokers cause I was a major smoker before but I pity them!. I understand the problem!. Lots of my friends have ended up in mental institutions becasue of mull!. Im not kidding!. It really does cause mental illness!. Its a trigger, combined with stress causes this problem!. Bongs, buckets, joints may be fun but they are not worth it!. ask me four years ago my opinion and I woul start rapping about smoking weed like Snoop dogg, telling you how butta it is!.
But my advice!. Dont smoke it at all and if you do, have a cone once every while but even that is not good!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Started:13 1/2!
and i'm fourteen and still haven't quit!.

i think THC doesn't hurt you, its just the smoke that can!.
because knoooowwonneeess ever died from the cause of too much thc!.!.or thc period!.
it's amazing, i loove it!.
the end!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

randy is right!.!.!.!.!. there is very few people that will try weed and not try other drugs!.!.!.!. and the other drugs far more addictive than weed!.!.!.!.!. i only did it every once in a while b4 i joined the army and i had to quit when i joinedWww@Answer-Health@Com

started last year , n i dont smoke often , just occasionally , n i dont plan to stop , there nothing wrong with getting high every once in a whileWww@Answer-Health@Com

Started as a teen!. Quit in my late 20's!. Don't miss it at all!. It screwed with my driving too much!. It affected my time sense!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I tried it for the first time at 18!. I am still 18!. I am still smoking marijuana!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

15, still at it!. I think it can be bad if it takes over your life!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

14, yes, 17, bored, maybeWww@Answer-Health@Com

13,havent quit,hit the bong a few days every weekWww@Answer-Health@Com

still smokinWww@Answer-Health@Com

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