Im doing a Research project on ecstasy?!

Question: Im doing a Research project on ecstasy!?
i wanna know more a bout ecstasy for my project and i wanna know how you feel when you pop some people say you can die and i wanna know if that's true because i wanna try it but im not sure if i wanna !. what should i try and not try!. i really wanna go to a rave too but i don't know where they are other than europe and if i should include raves in my report!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

e is like being on a train going a thousand miles an hour running on music and stimulation!. run out of music and you get derailed, stay fueled up and your crazy train is good to go!.
as far as dying goes, once you feel it kick in you know you won't die from just taking it, but you have to keep hydrated!. HAVE to!. certain heart conditions and other factors play into those deaths that do happen from just taking it, but there's always a risk!.

raves should definitely go into your report, since you can not only buy pills there, but also get them analyzed to make sure they're actually what you wanted!.

e is crazy, but psychedelics are amazing!. :)Www@Answer-Health@Com

You should not try it, because it can be very addicting, mentally!. Apparently it feels amazing and so people never want to stop doing it after their first time!.!.!. I have a friend who did it once and now he does it like every night, and that is totally not healthy, nor is it cheep or safe!. You can die from it if you take too much!. Raves are usually in big warehouses or outside, in big cities!. Like in CO, they are usually in Denver!. Also techno artist concerts are pretty much raves too!. You should include raves in your report, because when X is done, it is usually at a rave!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Ecstasy (aka E, X, Rolls, Beans, MDMA) is a euphoric stimulant!. It is similiar to Methamphetamines in chemical structure, and produces somewhat of a similiar buzz!. It is one of the most popular recreational psychoactives, along with LSD!. Most people who take it feel feelings of empathy, euphoria, love, and forgiveness!. Your heart rate increases and the urge to move around, dance, and talk greatly increases!. All your senses are greatly heightened, as many people claim to have "spiritual experiences" while on ecstasy!. Many people, especially girls, get very sexually excited!. Your body tempature increases and it is VERY VERY important to drink lots of water and stay hydrated!.

People who die on E typically dont die from the drug; they die from dehydration!. Raves, techno/trance concerts, and jam-band concerts are a very common place for people to "roll" at!. They range from 5-25 dollars a pill, but these pills often have chemicals/drugs in them besides pure MDMA!. You can also get pure MDMA powder, which is usually safer than a homemade ecstasy tablet!.

MDMA used to be legal in the US and used to be prescribed to couples in therapy who were having intimacy issues!. When used very very occasionally, it is generally a safe drug!. But it is addicting and over time of heavy use it will litterally fry holes in your brain and cause memory loss, depression, and mental confusion!. The comedown from E is typically pretty rough; most people feel pretty bad the entire next day, or even a few days, after doing it!. So don't overdue it!.

Hope I helped!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Goto EROWID and look up MDMA!. Goto the EXPERIENCE segment and look at the speedy feeling people talk about and use that for your project!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I would not do any pills, ever!. You are better off with things that grow naturally in the ground!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ecstasy is bad for youWww@Answer-Health@Com

u should try it its goodWww@Answer-Health@Com

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