Adhd Medicine Alternatives? Lots of options needed!?!

Question: Adhd Medicine Alternatives!? Lots of options needed!!?
Hello [:

I am interested in finding alternatives to high doses of adhd medicine to fix concentration issues and restlessness!.

herbal remedies perhaps!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Biofeedback/EEG Neurotherapy is awesome and very effective for ADHD!
Also, good nutrition makes a huge difference- you should take a multivitamin, but also Fish Oil, magnesium, and a B vitamin complex!. Eat a high protein breakfast, that will give your brain the fuel it needs to start the day!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

My son is AD-HD, and after much research, (along with some trial and error) we found a natural remedy that works for him!. I am not a doctor plus everyone has a different chemistry but, you may want to find a natural foods center, and look for something called Spirulina!. It is a blue green algae herbal remedy, and it worked wonders!. Like most medication it takes time to build and work but, nowhere near as long as the medicinal alternative!. You can try it, and I hope you find something that works for you!. Good luck in your quest!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You'll probably think I'm nuts!.!.!. but coffee is supposed to work!. I know! I know! It hypers most people up, but for people with ADHD, it seems to calm them!. Black though with no sugar!. Cheap enough to try!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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