anxiety herbs. which is best? please help me.?!

Question: Anxiety herbs. which is best? please help me.?

I suffer from anxiety and was on anti depresseants. However, after learning that they can cause sexual side effects, I wanted to stop.

Im now looking for herbal liquid extracts to help with anxiey without sexual side effects. (Im bad at tablets)

I read about Valerian. Does this work and does it have sexual side effects? How about Ginseng, Ginko Biloba? I read about St Johns Wort, but some people say this causes lack of orgasm in males. and that it also lowers libido. Ginseng and ginko don't do this however.

I am looking to buy them from Holland and Barretts because its near my home. If i give a link to the ones that they sell, would it be possible for anone to pick the best ones out for anxiety without sexual side effects?

Thankyou so much.


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Vitamin B complex (time release: B50), Gotu kola, lemon balm and passionflower extract.
H&B sell all four but i would suggest trying one at a time starting with vitamin B complex. If you are on any prescribed medications you will need to talk to your doctor or pharmacist first before taking any of the herbs. Plus don't take any potentially anti-anxiolytic herbs (such as these) with any anti-anxiety medications for instance.

Gotu kola is an adaptogen so should help with all forms of stress as well as anxiety. Vitamin B complex also helps with stress.

Best wishes.

I don't know about the sexual side of valerian (although some cats get high on valerian if they are sexually mature), but you have to know that with any herbs there will be side affects.
Valerian is o.k in small doses but used regularly can lead to depression, and a general numbing of senses, so I guess that would go for the sexual side of things.
Valerian is very good for things like panick attacks, but isn't a gentle herb, with any herb whatever it is for, they can push you too far the other way, st johns wort can make you too hyper, just bare that in mind, unless you have very gentle herbs like camomile, anything else can have side afffects.

There are several classes of herbs that can alleviate anxiety.
1-nervine herbs such as valerian, lavender, melissa, or skullcap to name a few. They will have a calming effect.
2-adaptogen herbs such as eleuthr and ashwaganda which improve the body's ability to adapt to change and stressors.
3-According to Chinese medicine, Kidney Deficiency can lead to fear, and tonics such as rheumania are used.
Additionally, Rescue Remedy flower essence can be very helpful for immediate relief from panic attacks.………

L-Theanine, Ashwaganda, GABA, Vit B's, Rhodiola Rosea.

Kava is good but hard on the liver.

personal experience

Go to your doctor and get marjiuana

GINGER! drink some gingerale

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