Do Dr. Natura's Cleansing Programs work?!

Question: Do Dr. Natura's Cleansing Programs work?
If there are any people who have tried the program let me know if it's a scam or not.


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And once you've disrupted the balance between bacteria and natural chemicals in your system, you need to buy Dr. Natura's special "toxinout" probiotics.....

What a load of drivel.

From Wikipedia (check the sources):
"Body cleansing and detoxification have been referred to as an elaborate hoax used by con artists to cure nonexistent illnesses. Most doctors contend that the 'toxins' in question do not even exist.[1][15][16] In response, alternative medicine proponents frequently cite heavy metals or pesticides as the source of toxification; however, no evidence exists that detoxification approaches have a measurable effect on these or any other chemical levels. Medical experts state that body cleansing is unnecessary as the human body is naturally capable of maintaining itself, with several organs dedicated to cleansing the blood and gut.[17]

Professor Alan Boobis OBE, Toxicologist, Division of Medicine, Imperial College London states that "The body’s own detoxification systems are remarkably sophisticated and versatile. They have to be, as the natural environment that we evolved in is hostile. It is remarkable that people are prepared to risk seriously disrupting these systems with unproven ‘detox’ diets, which could well do more harm than good."[13]

The apparently satisfied testimonial and anecdotal accounts by customers can be explained by either disguised employees creating false anecdotes, or actual customers who are experiencing the placebo effect after trying the products, natural recovery from an actual illness that would have occurred without the use of the product, psychological improvements on illnesses that are psychosomatic or the result of neurosis, and the fact that a large number of dissatisfied customers have not posted equally applicable anecdotes about their poorer experiences.[18]"…

A lot easier to just add some fiber to your diet, no?

I'm not surprised to see a Big Vitamin shill pushing this crap here.

I'm sorry you've only gotten responses from the skeptics who have never tried these products... the only thing that's a scam about cleansing programs like this is some of the claims that are made about them. They won't cure much of any ailments, they won't give you a huge energy boost, they won't make you feel 20 years younger, etc.
They are mostly combinations of fiber and/or liver cleansers but some have laxatives (eg. Senna or Cascara Sagrada) in them as well. Because of that, they DO work to clean you out... as would increasing your fiber intake (although the cleanse is faster).

I've tried cleanses like this and they are rather unpleasant for the first day or two. I've also tried higher fiber diets and those tend to be much less uncomfortable (and you're not in the bathroom as often with the higher fiber). If you need a cleanse, eating more fiber is a gentler and cheaper option, but it doesn't work as fast... granted, there are very few circumstances when you need a cleanse to be fast (eg. scheduled colonoscopy) and I would recommend upping your fiber if you need to cleanse. ;-) Good luck and I hope I helped!

[edit]: I always think it's funny that the skeptics say these cleanses "don't work"... anyone who takes any of them for even a day or two will feel the results (looser stools if not diarrhea). It's virtually impossible NOT to have a result from it as long as you follow the directions (take the product, drink water). I also find it laughable that she calls me a quack and then tells you the same advice that I did (eat more fiber and drink more water in your daily diet)... how is that not calling herself a quack for giving the same advice? ;-)
As I mentioned, it may not do the wild claims that some of them claim, but they do function as high fiber "colon cleansers" that evacuate your feces. Anyone that claims they don't should really read up on what fiber does. I hope that helps to clear it up!

Health/nutrition classes, personal experience, and personal research in my role as a Product Specialist for a vitamin company

It's a scam

1. There's no rational reason why you should need to "cleanse" anything internally 2. there is no plausible mechanism for these cleansing programs to cleanse anything.

It's a complete scam.

Edit: I'm sorry you've got a response from a quack who thinks that personal anecdotes are on the same parr as data. There is no evidence to support these cleanses.

Just include plenty of fibre in your diet and keep hydrated.

Edit: The difference is that my advice is based on science. Your advice, isn't.

No, they do not work.

Yes, it is a scam.

(I'm surprised he doesn't call himself Dr. Organica.)

It only works for the Doctor...making him rich. It is garbage and a scam.

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