how to convince my parents to let me have medicinal marijuana?!

Question: How to convince my parents to let me have medicinal marijuana?
i am a minor and have chronic pain. Under Oregon medicinal marijuana laws it states chronic pain is treatable with medicinal cannabis. it may also benefit my sleeping problem, and my nausea. How do i convince my parents to sign off on the form? My mom used daily in her past. And my bigger brother had been caught a number of times which might hinder them from letting me have it as medicine? how do i convince them?


Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

omg, if this kid wanted to get high all he has to do is pick up some nyquil or coriciden from walmart.

Im sick and tired of people saying med mj users just want to get high when there are a million drugs that make you higher. If this person really has crhonic pain, they are on vicodin or oxy or something like that, which is ALREADY making them high.

G f yourselves if all you can do is accuse people of getting high.

To the poster?
Are you on other narcotic meds? Have they seen them make you f'ed up? Do they know marijuana is less impairing?

You can not receive medical marijuana if you are under the age of 18. So there is no way you can get it legally. Even though it is a valid reason, the law is your a minor and cannot be prescribed for it.

Now answer honestly. Do you truly believe that you need this or do you want it just so you can have pot legally.

People change over time, so the fact they use to do it might be irrelevant. My dad use smoke pot and got kicked out of the military for selling drugs, even with that, he would have beat my *** if he caught me smoking when I was a minor.

Saying you have chronic pain pretty vague. What sort of pain? To me, saying you have "chronic pain, nausea and sleeping problems" sounds like a sells pitch and you just want some pot. Most people have some sort of problems sleeping, especially if you don't have a very set schedule. If your staying up late to talk to friends, and sleeping in weekends and staying out late at night, it's pretty likely you will struggle with regular sleeping patterns. That's not even including all the things teenagers are dealing with in school and the things in their heads that keep them up late at night.

If you really do have some sort of chronic pain, get it diagnosed. That would give you some sort of concrete argument when facing your parents. Pot might be a better alternative to pain killers, which can be addictive and have long term negative impacts such as kidney failure.

I know someone who is in kidney failure because of lupus. She was taking 8 or 9 meds daily. She started smoking pot and now only takes 1 or 2.

If you don't have the pain, I would say drop the issue and try not to become too much of a closet pot head. Don't be one of the people who abuses the medicinal pot thing as an excuse to smoke all the time. You still have your 20's to waste on smoking pot. Focus on school, cause you will regret it in the future if you don't, go play some sports or pick up an instrument.

Wait until you are not a minor. If your pain is really that bad then, in the mean time, get a doctor to see how bad your pain is and maybe get some Vicodin or Percocet for it. Hey, it's perfectly legal if it's prescribed. So it must be more beneficial than the NON-addictive plant, marijuana, that has killed oh so many people. but a little bit of oxycodone won't kill the kid, right? I'll answer that for you... WRONG. If you have legitimate back pain then push for the cannabis. Ask your parents if they'd rather have you all strung out on legal heroin and acting like a junkie or just a little buzzed from weed and acting like a normal person. Stay away from those pain pills and speak with a doctor you can talk to easily. If you explain the situation like I did, such as you saying that you would rather use cannabis which is much less harmful than the highly addictive opiate painkillers, your doctor will most likely understand. Then all you have to do is get him to talk to your parents and he will tell them how much you will benefit from it and how much better it is than just giving you some pills for your problems. I got addicted to opiate painkillers a year ago and they destroyed so much of my life. It screws your life up fast and it only takes one. Marijuana is a safer bet than any drug. There are many safe and non organ damaging ways to consume cannabis. This plant can really help people with problems such as chronic pain, nausea, insomnia, and a lot more.
good luck,

Personal Experience.

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