How long after taking a vitamin D supplement should I start to feel better?!

Question: How long after taking a vitamin D supplement should I start to feel better?
I'm a 18 year old African-american living in Southern Idaho and I've been diagnosed with vitamin d deficiency. My biggest symptoms were weight loss, depression, and severe fatigue. I was put on a high dose once a week, and the symptoms cleared up almost immediately. I got lazy and stopped taking my supplement and my symptoms came back—the severe exhaustion and depression symptoms. I took my pill just an hour ago. How long until I should start feeling better? I remember that last time I started feeling better quite quickly, but I can't remember how quick...


Vitamin D is suppressed if you take vitamin C, so you want to watch your calcium intake. Vitamin D is also produced when your skin is exposed to the sun. There is no assurance that the biochemists have isolated all the components of vitamin D (which is actually a hormone), so you will want to get some direct sunlight on your skin for 20 minutes a day or so. You should feel an immediate improvement.

As a precaution, you should also take a high dosage of vitamin D. This vitamin is not toxic in high dosages and people with SAD do better with higher dosages.

Dr. Neal Barnard

Take your vitamin D, but make sure you are also getting you vitamin B12 and iron. B12 and iron deficiencies also cause someone to be more easily tired (google it) could get a B12 and iron infusion by the doctor. i get a B12 injection every month, and i have energy now that i take them.
PS: go outside every day for some sunlight. sunlight gives you some vitamin D.

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