Do You go to the heath food store to get herbs to doctor yourself?!

Question: Do You go to the heath food store to get herbs to doctor yourself?
Are you one of those who go to Iridologists to find out what they see in your eyes? Iridology is called Reading your eyes.
Or are you one that knows that they cannot see anything.

LOL Spell check has never heard of Iridology yet.


I am one who thinks iridology is complete quackery because of it's lack of plausibility and evidence that it works. I am also one who thinks 'doctoring' yourself using herbal drugs is both dangerous and stupid. I prefer to be diagnosed by proper doctors who have had appropriate training, and who prescribe and manage my medications accordingly.

Iridology is basically nonsense, that's probably why spell check doesn't recognise it. Just because "sometimes the doctor looks at your eyes to diagnose an illness" does not mean that anyone can just invent a treatment or diagnostic system by copying it. This is as ridiculous as using a stethoscope to measure brain waves because "well a doctor uses it on your heart so it must work".

Anyone with little or no medical training who thinks their local health food store is a replacement for a trained medical doctor is pretty crazy.

Hmmm... thinking the whole tone of this question already has people set as idiots for believing there may be basis to Iridology. I have never heard of it, but will be seeing what it is.

As for health food stores and natural medicines... natural is supposed to be the normal instead of trusting doctors and others to always do what's best for you. Why would I take drugs with side effects if I can take a natural herb that is better for me?

As the nails, skin, hair and even the whites of the eyes show up health issues, why is the iris immune? Wilson's disease shows up a brown ring around the edge of the iris so medical proof that health issues do affect the iris. I have seen pics of drug addicts with before and after photos of the iris..the before photo showed brown eyes and the after photo blue...the brown overlay was due to the toxic drugs.


"Or are you one that knows that they cannot see anything."

That's not true, you can see a reflection of yourself! If you're deluded enough, you can see a persons soul!

The last time I did any doctoring the instruments were made of plastic.

Hello sis!

i tried, iridologist, naturopath, homopathy and so on...

But healing wit my own seems to work better at times. I try to know symptoms, research, and buy somethn in healthfood shop or convince gp of referral. >.< hehe

Bless you sis.


I do. However just for the easy treatables, like colds, constipation,& cramps. That would be the 3c's,lol. There might be something to the iridology, but it needs more research though.

Blessings. I go to the health store for herb tea they are good for cold,gas on you stomach and the herb eye drops and ears drops works like wanders. Thanks for asking.

I've been sick for four days now so maybe I should go to a health food store.

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