Muscle Testing?!


Muscle Testing?

Have you ever heard of muscle testing in relations to allergies? Have you had it? Do you know anyone who has? What are the pros and cons of it?


Yes, I have been having it done for a little over a year now, and I it's called (acronym) N.A.E.T. technique,and there's also something called kinoesology (sic) (no medical degree is required).... whatever, I know that the NAET works. You have to be liscenced Medical Doctor to do NAET. The doctors that do NAET are into wellness and non-drug therapy. You really have to understand the physiology of the body and what makes what works. I would ask around if see who you know that has done either one and how it worked for them. My doctor doesn't advertise, he doesn't have to, he gets enough patients from word of mouth. Check my profile, and you'll see that I've mentioned it ALOT. IT LITERALLY SAVED MY LIFE. I have a friend whose child was "autistic" and in less than a year, he turned into a happy, healthy, normal boy. I had been diagnosed with MANY immune disorders. I had pan-ulcerative colitis and was in and out of the hospital for a couple of years and the last time, my "doctors" said that my colon would have to be removed (I would have to wear a bag). Of course, I was on so much medication that I was having problems from the side effects. I traveled an hour and a half both ways to see my NAET doctor. All I can say is that I am no longer taking any of the medications my "doctors" said I would have to take for the rest of my life. I have made some life style changes and when I do get a flare up now, I know how to handle and don't end up in the hospital. All I can say is GO! GO! GO! It only takes 24/25 hours to be rid of an allergy.

Good luck. I hope this has helped you.

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