Has anyone ever heard/tried treating ulcerative colitis by "eating tobacco !


Has anyone ever heard/tried treating ulcerative colitis by "eating tobacco leaves??

(Tobacco leaf's supposedly calm down inflamed colitis). I've always understood that ingesting tobacco would make you sick?


There is some evidence that this would bring temporary relief for your uc symptoms, largely due to the nicotine. Nicotine is frequently cited as being beneficial for uc but this is largely due to smoking uc sufferers having worsening symptoms when stopping smoking.
UC is simply an inflammation and ulceration of the colon due to toxicity. i.e. the body's mechanism of dealing with the toxicity in the colon.
There are a whole host of things that may bring temporary relief to the uc/ibd sufferer such as aloe vera, nicotine, probitics, prescitption drugs such as steroids etc. etc. (Yeah thats right presciption drugs will only bring a temporary cessation of symptoms - In essence THEY DO NOT WORK)
But the bottom line is that these results will certainly only be temporary. To heal uc/ibd one needs to fully address the toxicity issue in their colon and radically alter their diet to a natural hygiene vegan diet (a diet consisting of fruits and vegetables)
So today you may be wondering about 'tobacca leaves' but tommorrow it will be something else. Don't continually go from one thing to another as I did, but research on internet for natural hygiene vegan diet.
The best book on this subject, which saved my life/colon (I am completely healed with no problems whatsoever) is written by David Klein, entitled 'Self Healing Colitis & Crohns'

Do this now, don't wait 'til surgery is looming or it may be too late.
All the best, Jimmy.

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