Does anyone know how to get rid of hangover?!


Does anyone know how to get rid of hangover?

please help me cause my head aches so much....


A hangover is an after affect of your body being dehydrated and your liver/pancreas trying to cleanse the toxins. Best thing is cranberry juice - the natural enzymes help with kidney function and aids in rehydrating you. To get rid of the queeziness, eat something grainey (oatmeal/rice/noddles) these things absorb toxins as well as soothe upset tummies. For head and body aches use a normal over the counter pain medication - I prefer Excedrin because it has Aspirin (anti-inflammatory), Acetominophen (pain killer) and Caffiene (metabolizer).

The best thing is to start your day and try to ignore the discomfort - if you sit around or lay in bed, you'll notice the pain and sickipoo more than if you were occupied/distracted by more important things.

To avoid a hangover, next time drink a VIRGIN cranberry juice cut with water (they really use concentrated stuff at a bar) between each drink. Try to eat bread/rice food just before or just after your drinking binge - they absorb some of the toxins. And try to do physical activities duringyour drinking which will burn the toxins before you go home. Once you are ready for bed, drink a full glass of water and if you can, put some water next to your bed in a sportsbottle for night sipping.

You know, I used to not get hangovers... Now I get them over three drinks... I'm getting old!!!

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