How do you make yourself happy when your depressed?!

Question: I know there's some kind of trick so if you know what it is let me know please.

Answers: I know there's some kind of trick so if you know what it is let me know please.

Depression may be caused by negative thoughts, poor circumstances, loss of loved ones, genetic factors, biochemical imbalance in the brain, emptiness in heart, unforgiveness, addictions etc.

There are some natural mood lifting food and vitamins that you can take with your drugs. They are:

-Vitamin B complex pills
- Vitamin C
- GABA (you can get this at a pharmacy) it is a natural neurotransmitter in your brain.
- SAMe
- Calcium
- Magnesium
-Evening Primrose oil
- Flax oil
- Omega 3

try to have some exercise daily. Go into the sun. Talk with friends. Pray to Jesus, he gives you peace and lifts your mood. These are scientifically proven to work.

- Listen to soothing music on a couch.
- have aromatherapy
- eat healthily, oats, wheats, brown rice, more fish, chicken, lots of vegetables and fruits and other natural food, less oil, no sugar, no deep fried stuff, less red meat
- drink lots of filtered or bottled water
have a pet
- cultivate new hobbies
- do not take alcohol and avoid caffeine
- tackle your problem that is giving you depression. Problem solve with a counselor or friend to reduce the magnitude of the problem.
- Every time you catch yourself thinking negatively, think what is the most positive way of expressing your feelings and thoughts.
- Forgive others, release all bitterness and release all grudges, love God and love others
- Do a kind deed each day. Volunteer your service to the elderly, orphans etc
- I know I have said a lot. Take baby step, one step at a time. Give yourself time to get out of depression.

Think positively.

You may want to see a psychiatrist and counsellor to work out your problem. Psychotherapy may help. Prayer does help. Claim healing from Jesus. He loves you. Read the Bible, start at book of John. Take note of John 3:16, Acts 2:38. It is God's love message to you.

For anxiety, try deep breathing from your diaphragm and progressive muscle relaxation. You can buy books on how to overcome depression and anxiety.

It takes time to lift out of anxiety and depression. First thing is that you desire to get out of them. Next is the tenacity and perseverance to make changes to your life.

I've been through depression and anxiety, so I understand.

God bless you richly and have a blessed Christmas. Attend a United Pentecostal Church nearby your home. (
There are brothers and sisters who care and be friends with you.

****Say to yourself "I am happy" 15 times. See if you break out in a smile or laughter.

go out with friends.. and HAVE FUN .. it's the best way. dont stay in the house.. and be bored.. you HAVE to keep yourself busy.

I watch American Idol rejects on youtube.

They're funny.

My trick is to go for a relaxing drive at night with the windows down and the sunroof back. I like the sound of the wind as it passes by and it calms me. Also with driving at night if I come to a stop sign I can gaze up at the stars and the moon above and i don't know there is just something about it that is calming and soothing and always puts me in a better mood. Sometimes I also like to go to the local boat launch by our lake and listen to the waves lap up against the dock. Those are my tricks to making myself happy when i am depressed.

type jokes on the search engine, and see what comes up. I've read a lot that made change my mood pretty quick. Heres a few links to get you started

Babies is right up there, YOU HAVE TO HAVE FUN! Go out with your friends, see movies, treat yourself to a cookie. Music also really, really helps.

I've been clinically depressed before and I know for a fact that if you get that way pretty much nothing can cheer you up except drug therapy because it is actually a chemical imbalance in your brain that needs to be corrected. However, if you are just suffering a bit of glumness pick your funniest friend and go watch a funny movie with them. Then do something immature or get your person to hug and kiss you to death - that should put you on a high - I know it does for me =)

1) You can do a bit of jogging. Seriously it helps but the effect would wear off after a while.

2) Do housework or get engagged in a hobby.

a few things that have been proven to help depression:
sunlight (don't underestimate it)
I sometimes go for long walks
-I recommend getting a hobby
-oddly getting up early in the day and doing something productive that day helps too while sleeping late makes it worse
-if you do get up and do something productive reward yourself with a movie, or treat or something like that
-try hanging out with cheerful ppl
-hang out with loud boisterous ppl , i find that they tend to tolerate depression less or don't seem to notice it and sorta make it go away by that alone
-get a pet, its proven to help
-get on antidepressants, that'll definitely help, unless your underage, then stay far away from them

Heres a few tricks I learned from Seventeen magazine and experience.

Feeling sad?

Eat 1 cup of raspberry sorbet with 2 vanilla wafers, half and english muffin with jam, and 1 granola bar.

Exercise about an hour a day

Write in a journal to express your feelings or play the guitar

Go see a counsolur

eat extremely healthy with a variety of food (healthy)

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