I need opinions - serious answers only please.?!

Question: I think I may have a drinking problem. It's been a long time coming and I'm not sure what to think. I'n not asking for ways to quit, I'm just asking what you think.
I can't not drink. I drink to forget. I cry when I don't drink - and I cry even more when I do. Because I do. If I don't drink, I shake, I get headaches, depression, I feel so desperate, so frustrated, angry. I need to drink to feel . I'm numb all the time and it used to help me feel something, anything, but now I'm numb either way. I have to drink in the morning - I feel like I'll go crazy if I don't. And it's all that's on my mind. I don't know what to do.

Answers: I think I may have a drinking problem. It's been a long time coming and I'm not sure what to think. I'n not asking for ways to quit, I'm just asking what you think.
I can't not drink. I drink to forget. I cry when I don't drink - and I cry even more when I do. Because I do. If I don't drink, I shake, I get headaches, depression, I feel so desperate, so frustrated, angry. I need to drink to feel . I'm numb all the time and it used to help me feel something, anything, but now I'm numb either way. I have to drink in the morning - I feel like I'll go crazy if I don't. And it's all that's on my mind. I don't know what to do.

There is no doubt you have a problem with alcohol! Not being able to face the day without alcohol is definitely problematic. Shaking and getting headaches when you don't drink indicate a physical addiction. But that's just the icing on the cake, as it were - the key thing that needs to be looked at is why you got into this pattern in the first place.

What you describe seems to indicate that there are inner things that you need to be numbed to - in other words, the alcohol is self-medication for emotional/psychological pain. So - you cry anyway, but a bit less when you drink. You need to numb yourself from the feelings you don't want, so you drink, but then you need to drink to feel anything. All this is classic for addicts.

You say you're not looking for ways to quit (though I hope you realise you need to find a way to do just that). What I will say, though, is that part of what you need is real psychotherapy, from someone with a deep and serious training and plenty of experience. Nothing is going to get any better until you work on those inner demons. And I really hope you do.

yh u do. the good side is uve acsepted theres a problem

I think you do have a drinking problem and your probably drinking cause you are in a depression , I would try to seek some help.
Good luck

It sounds to me that you may have a problem. One way professionals remember the signs of an alcohol problem is with the acronym "CAGE." C = you feel you should Cut down, A = it Annoys you to be criticized about your drinking, G = you have felt bad or Guilty about your drinking, and E = you need an Eye-opener or morning drink. It sounds like many of these apply to you. Speaking with a professional (a doctor or a counselor) or seeking out a support group in your area may give you some direction.

Yes it sounds like you have a serious problem, I'm sure you could find places to help you,
Please get help before you destroy your liver.

You do seem to have a drinking problem. Im concerned for you. If you cant afford rehab (you can also ask if your insurance pays for it), you should try counceling, try to find the reasons that drive you to drink. You have to stay away from the situations and the places and the people that you normal drink with or cause you to drink. You need a friend, someone who you do not drink with and who you trust. The reason you get sick and want to drink is because you are experiencing withdrawal and you have to train your brain not to need a pain killer like alcohol. Your brain is telling you that you need it. You have to reprogram yourself to live with it, its going to be hard but saying that you need help and seeking it is a huge step. You have to take some time to do this. You have to completely detox your body. You shouldnt be going to work or doing what you normally do until you completely detox. And also its ok to cry. There is no shame in it. everytime you think about drinking just think about what happened last time. Keep a journal, reading what happens to you when you drink will shock you into not wanting to do it anymore. Find someone you can call when you want to drink. Hope this helps

i think part of the problem is you listen to too many idiots -- a couple of drinks a day is currently approved by the more progressive side of society -- but the aa/manic puritan side of our culture tells you drinking is bad when its not. lots of people are learning to control their drinking by cutting back -- you don't need to abstain. and remember hitler was a bad person. if you aren't anywhere near being hitler then you probably aren't a bad person.

if you feel like its a depression issue i take 5-htp when i start feeling emotionally goopy. i have noticed i drink less in social situations when i am taking it. there have been some studies of it as far as it helping to reduce addictive behaviors.
you can buy it at walmart and its cheaper than a bottle of wine.

you should be proud of yourself for taking the first step and admitting to yourself that you have a problem.

why not do a search on AA support groups?? they'd be better to help you overcome it. or see your dr if that's an option and discuss it with them, they can probably give you a list of the things you can do to support yourself through it, as well as tips on how to stop drinking etc.

good luck.

It takes time for your brain to recover from such abuse (from personal experience!). Because alcohol depletes vitamin B, take a daily vitamin B complex (certified 100% from natural sources). Some resources are in the following: ALCOHOL: A legal, liquid drug. If male, limit yourself to preferably 2, and certainly an absolute maximum of 4 standard drinks, daily. Because females metabolise alcohol differently from males, they should limit themselves to one standard drink, daily, with an absolute maximum of 2. Everyone should have at least one, and preferably more, alcohol free days a week, to let their liver recover. For females who are pregnant, or trying to be: THERE IS NO SAFE LEVEL OF ALCOHOL FOR A FOETUS!!! Check out http://www.drdrew.com/ and http://www.alcohol-rehabilitation.org/ and http://www.12stepforums.net/alanon.html CALL: (USA) 1-888-4AL-ANON. There will be a huge void left by its absence, and that void will need filling, so have a plan in place for when you get over the physical withdrawal symptoms. It's a good idea to avoid your previous associates, and hangouts, at least for a while, so you are not unnecessarily exposing yourself to the temptation to backslide, but, if you do, don't just give up! Accept that you are only human, and therefore fallible, but use that failure to re-double your resolve that you won't allow it to happen again. I used free, online poker, at http://www.partypoker.com (DON'T gamble for money: YOU WILL LOSE!!! The house takes a cut, and there are some very good players, some of whom use computer programs, and I suspect the possibility of collusion between certain parties, using second computers and email, or I.M., or phones, and sharing profits). More ideas on what to do may be found in section 16, at http://www.ezy-build.net.nz/~shaneris ALCOHOLISM (ALL USA PHONE NUMBERS)
Al-Anon Family Group

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