Question: i used 2 self injure badly for 3yrs n now tryin 2 STOP, two wks without a cut :):) but instead i gained 5 kilos in those 2 wks!! um eatin almost all the time esp whn im alone...any comments..plz help im about 2 self harm again :( 19yrs..female

Answers: i used 2 self injure badly for 3yrs n now tryin 2 STOP, two wks without a cut :):) but instead i gained 5 kilos in those 2 wks!! um eatin almost all the time esp whn im alone...any comments..plz help im about 2 self harm again :( 19yrs..female

Yes, there's a definite corelation.

This is a typical replacement deal... it's similar to quitting smoking. You want SOMETHING and turn it into a desire for something else. In this case (like with a lot of quitting smokers) it's food.

Personally, I would take the knowledge I just shared with you (and you already knew, actually) and use it to your advantage.. Food isn't bad, but it is when you go crazy with it. That's true of most things.

However, what if you started up a hobby, like maybe a self-improvement hobby.. like working out. Working out is a good replacement for cutting, because of the stress release. It'll work best though if you keep track of how much you do, and how often, and se how you can go a step harder..

Like if you lift weights, you could increase how many repetitions you do, or how many sets of repetitions, or how much weight you use. It's great because as you look deeper into weightlifting, and start seeing how it affects your body, and learn about recovery times and stuff, plus what kinds of food to go for, etc, you start setting goals for yourself, and meeting those goals if where you get the most relief.

I used to do drugs, and that because my substitute addiction for awhile. I used to try to increase the weight I used, and because I focused on it daily (4-5 hours a day after 4 hours of unloading trucks at work), I got to my goals quickly. My initial goal was to do at least 100 pounds on every workout station in the nautillus gym. I had to increase the weight slowly.. like 5 pounds a week.

When I couldn't increase the weight, I increased how many times I did it. Then later, I'd cheat and lower the sets until I COULD do them with the increased weight.

Later my goal was to use ALL the availible weight on the stack for each exercise. I was doing great, but I wasn'teating right, so it wasn't making me look much different. I didn't care though.

There was a LOT of satisfaction watching the next person to use the equipment try and use the weight setting where I'd left it.. they'd first try to just use it, and when they failled, they'd look at it, and glance over at me, and back at the weight stack. Sometimes these folks LOOKED a lot stronger than me, but apparently they weren't.

Anyways.. it was fullfilling while it lasted (for 2 years but then I moved away from the gym), and by the time my time there ran out, I was no longer addicted to anything.. It kinda' broke the cycle for me.

I still miss working out, and hope to get back into it.

Even if working-out isn't your thing.. maybe there's something else that's positive? like reading, or learning about specific things that you're interested in. I still have an addictive personality, which means I'll always be an addict to something, but at least I choose positive addictions now, and it makes me feel pretty good when I see evidence of improvement.

Hope this helps, thanks for sharing and stuff.

u need to go and see Dr. Phil

Try activities, like any sports you like? alot of people eat when they have nothing else to do...

this is a question for a health professional!


You switched one form of self abuse to another...


im sorry congrats on the not cutting but i think u should see a doctor and whats a kilo

Well, both of them are escape mechanisms from the pain you're going through. Try to talk to a counselor or a friend/family member you can confide in.

Listen girl, life is not fun, but you will only enjoy it if you treat your body as your temple. Harming yourself, whether by "cutting" or overeating, is just a cycle of pain. Realize that your life is too valuable.

You're not going to be able to stop either behavior until you get professional counseling. You are frustrated and full of self hate and you will do either or both until you seek professional help to find out WHY you do this and what is causing it; once you have that information you will be able to stop both. I was also a cutter and overate...once I knew what was causing it I was able to stop both behaviors.

jsut think before oyu eat.. look at the for or spoon and think to yourself and tell yourslef what your about to do " hey im about to eat and i know im not gonna feel good about it later" then pu the spoon or fork down!!

This is what usually happens when you are bored or have nothing else to do, try to find something that you like, and keep your mind occupied with that instead.

please get some please to find out why ur punishing urself ? why do u want to ? learn to love urself u r a worthwhile person but u dont think u r so thats why u must get help from ur doctor asap dont hurt urself anymore get help lifes too short to be hurting like this u iw ish u luck happiness and peace of mind please look for a support group online to help u

I think that these are all either nervous habits or adictions. Clearly you want them to stop but are finding it hard. You need to talk it over with a friend, and try to get some accountability. Also, if it continues, you may find it good to get some professional help.

I really really hope you have a good psychiatrist because you need one bad. You have been badly hurt in the past and you need to find out what it was and how to deal with it besides cutting and eating. I would even suggest that you go to the hospital, you sound like you need that much help.

They are all forms of acting out-you're going from one way of acting out to another. Addictions are also forms of acting out.

While I think that you just replaced your cutting time with eating time because you need to sastisfy yourself with something. You should find a hobby or something that makes you feel relaxed[besides eating and cutting]. Try something like drawing or photgraphy, just don't think about eating or cutting.

you have an addictive personality.. u replace one habit for another... thats something your going to have to realize and be aware of all the time.. exercise does help with mood boosting.. if you dont feel you can handle your situation get help

Did you see Oprah where the women got weight loss surgery, got skinny and then developed other addictions like alcoholism, sex addiction? I have heard and read that people who quit one addiction often fall to another. Like an alcoholic will start smoking, etc. It's a psycological illness and you should seek professional help. You have an addictive personality and there are behavioral changes you can make. I am proud of you for quitting the cutting. Now that you see another addiction popping up please go see a doctor.

Best wishes.

Of course you know you need to seek therapy. You are "stuffing" your feelings with food. You will continue to substitute one self-harming behavior for another until you get to the root of WHY you are doing this to yourself. There are many support groups and chats on the internet. I suggest looking under 'self-harm. Good luck hon. I've been where you are!

Yes, there is a very clear correlation. Cutting enables someone to manage overwhelming feelings by creating a different focus of pain. Over-eating is about 'swallowing down' those overwhelming feelings in order to push them out of consciousness.

You have shown amazing determination in stopping the self-harm, but it would be best if you could harness that determination into getting some good psychological therapy, so you can face, work through, and resolve the underlying problems. Then you will have less need to self-harm or overeat and will feel much better about yourself and life.

Do make sure you find someone fully trained, experienced and registered, with knowledge of self-harm and overeating. If you can manage to find someone you feel you can work with, you have a VERY good chance of resolving these underlying issues and being able to live through your 20s and on with much more enjoyment and fulfilment.

im in the same boat. its like cutting was a comfort. and now i eat like all the time. and its ruining my body. working out with some one who is gonna encourage is a good idea.

honey i been going thru that self hurt thing with my step daughter,she was doing it becuse her dad has been out of her life for 6 years.and she had been a daddies girl till she was 6.shes was doing it for a cry on help for her dad being gone.but she eats all the time any how because of growing matter the reason you feel hat you need to self hurt,please dont do it,no matter the reason honey,it aint worth it.just go on with you and take care of you.god bless

i used to cut, for about 2 yrs, and i tried to stop this november. but, my problem is opposite yours. i stopped eating and have lost 23 pounds in only 2mo. so, i set up a system. i made a weekly food chart, where i'd write down breakfast, lunch, and dinner. i then filled in a plan of what i was going to eat at every meal for that week. it really helped to make me eat. i think this would work for you too though, cus you can only eat at the designated time and only what you put on the chart. just make sure you're eating healthy things like fruits, veggies, and lean meat. and stay away from fats and white carbs. also, make sure you exercise a lot. i go to the gym 4x a week and it's a great way to get your mind off cutting and food

I have been on both sides of mental dis-ease and when you find a place inside your head to go that brings you peace and you don't let it be destroyed by any outside source, you will be ok. We usually find it when we least expect it, so in order for me to be open and calm, I will read good things, stay away from any music, except maybe classical, talk, inwardly to any one or any power that is good. I still talk to my mother, tho she is "dead". She was always the one place I felt safe and loved. In this moment I am asking for peace and love for you.

Get A Counselor! -- it's important.

You are, consciously or subconsciously, making a choice between death and obesity. There are a couple of other choices but never mind that. I know enough about cutting to know it isn't about suicide, but mistakes happen. Obesity can kill, also, but You have quite a few years to worry about those consequences and correct the eating thing. Keep eating until You get a good counselor. Cutting is about the deepest kind of depression, and there are meds that can help. Please believe me!!


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