I wake up everyday happy and eager to start the day is there something wrong wit!

Question: Sounds like you got lots of serotonin in yur brain Hope it lasts for you. Life is like a battery though. You have to have positive and negative in order for it to work. Nothing like a rainy day to make a sunny one that much greater.

Answers: Sounds like you got lots of serotonin in yur brain Hope it lasts for you. Life is like a battery though. You have to have positive and negative in order for it to work. Nothing like a rainy day to make a sunny one that much greater.

obviously not .
you`re just happy (:
and optimistic ,
which is good .


i wish i was you

..nothing's wrong with it..and why should you be miserable about it?

Not at all. Wish i could be more like that. Im practicaly the opposite.

i wish everyone was like that! i am a morning person too :)

Chronic good luck maybe? I think you should be more worried about the fact that you're worrying when there's nothing to worry about!
Hope this helps!

Yes. no one should get out of bed before noon, and if they do they shouldn't be happy about that... I don't get up before noon and need a pot of coffee and like 12 cigarettes to even function.... it's 3pm before I actually do anything.

No way! You're just very positive & happy. Happiness is never wrong.

How do you end the day? Fighting in a bar?

no its not that u r happy every day there is some thing wrong!!! its a good thing u should be happy with it


I would give a limb to feel like that. What's your secret???

No, of course not. Some people are just really eager to see what they day will hold for them. I myself am sort of like this.

I'm actually quite jealous of you. I wake up and hate everything and everyone until I've had a few cups of coffee and a cigarette.

nothing is wong.. lol
I think u r full of life.. How do u spend ur day..it must be intersting..

OMG! YES !! Something is seriously wrong w/ you!! You MUST seek help right away! Why aren't you miserable like the rest of us ???? lol just kidding ;-)
Stay happy!

You sound like a morning person. I envy people like you sometimes (I am NOT a morning person). Definitely nothing wrong, just what you are.

Not if everything is going your way in life. Most of us do not have that luxury. Most people either have physical, mental or monetary or other stressful issues to deal w/each day, therefore we wake up not felling that way.

is there somethin wrong with you? of course, there's none, dear! you're such a happy person and i suppose a very positive towards life.. keep it up! you're cool.. take care and don't waste your time being sad..

That is great to be able to feel that way. Most just hate mornings especially Monday's.

You're a morning person which is actually something from your genes, not your personality only. You're the opposite than me. I start feeling good when the night comes out. I'm nocturnal, your diurnal.

No there's nothing wrong with you, that's a real positive thing to start the day off with such great enthusiasm! So keep on looking towards the positives in life!!

I'm glad to hear you're happy. I can't believe there is anything wrong with that kind of attitude. About the gas, I would definitely check into that.

No, there's nothing wrong with you. You're just a happy person. Don't worry about it.

Absolutely nothings wrong. May you always be happy :)

It's good that you feel that way everyday. That means you are well prepared and had enough rest to do your job. You enjoy your life very much and you are content with what you have for now. Good for you. Keep it up.

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