How to raise my self esteem?!

Question: I've had really low self esteem since I was in elementary...I would get picked on because of the way I looked, or if somebody upsets me, I would cry about it, and I still do. please I need some help.

Answers: I've had really low self esteem since I was in elementary...I would get picked on because of the way I looked, or if somebody upsets me, I would cry about it, and I still do. please I need some help.

Why not try an online CBT programme, such as 'living life to the full' (google it). It's entirely free, and what's the worst that can happen?

Other than that: take a piece of paper. Write as many important good things about yourself. Figure things positively - that doesn't mean lie to yourself (you have to be able to believe in that which you write!), but try putting a positive spin on it.

If you hate being picked on, that means you seek friendship and support. Those are good, healthy characteristics that all people share. They betoken your sociability- that's good.

Also, try to remember that most bullying doesn't actually mean what you may think. Someone mocking your messed up hair (for example) is probably just letting off some steam, or trying to use bullying to gain kudos with others. It's nasty of them to do this, but it's worth bearing these factors in mind- not to excuse them, but so that you don't take them out of proportion.

Only you can give yourself confidence.

dont be shy..

You are YOU.. and that makes your perfect.. so do not let anyone tell you otherwise!

if that is you in your avatar picture than i really don't see why you would have low self-esteem. but hey, just go answer some questions and make fun of people. works for me!

Tell yourself that you don't have to be perfect anymore

dont be emo.. go towards the light and stop sitting in your closet listening to my chemical romance and cutting yourself. go talk to people

its hard ihace similar issues changing whatever is causing issue for me its mostly over weight is good step

you are very pretty girl...i wouldnt worry about other ppl..just worry about you and make u happy...inside matters more then the outside..

think to yourself everyday i am beautiful and confident it should help! Cause what u think about yourself is making your self esteem low.

Realize that you blossomed into a very beautiful girl. You are out of my age range but from your picture, I can tell you are going to be extremely attractive. Like a 9 or 10 on the attractiveness scale.

Love yourself, and think happy thoughts. Think of all the great qualities you have, that some people don't. Everyone is different and beautiful in their own why. Don't worry keep your head up hun. =)

There is more than one way to keep up one's self-esteem. And one good way to do it is to have a friend who provides company for you and supports you emotionally.

Get a few friends like that. And your problems with self-esteem will disappear.

you need to embark on things that people think u can't acheive, allow your life ambitions and dreams to push you and not what people say, the funny thing is usually people who kill your morale usually have deep seated problems themselves - they are only being good actors at hiding it!

You have to be strong and ready to make a mark, you have to put your pains and shyness behind you because there is a lot you can be, you look the way you look for only one reason - you are unique!

Well some people are quite emotional and do cry more often than others, but i think it is very human to cry - which in itself is good, however hence forth tell yourself, "i will never let anyone take advanvantage of me, never, i won't cry for someh elses rude words, i just won't bother, i am strong and i can withstand anybody - they are not better than me!"

well i would always get picked on for the way i looked and the way i acted. i have a uni brow and people say that i am an oreo(black guy who acts white) but i never let it bother me now that im in high school i have amazing friends that like me for my personality not the way i look i even found a good girlfriend. i think that you should hold your head up high and let your personality shine you will find some people who like you for you not what you look like and plus all those people who think that they are so hot what 40 years and then look at them good luck and tell me how it goes

your at a weird age wheere self esteem is difficult to have. as you age it will come...but for now...all i can be yourself. you will find that the more you act the way YOU want to act and the way that YOU are comfortable with...the more peopel will accept you. the biggeest problem growin up is that peopel are not day they are preppy and the next punk, and the next a band geek. if you are true to yourself you will be happy and peoepl will be drawn to you. As for peopel makign fun of you or picking on you...dont let them see you cry...they will cease...because its not fun to say that stuff an get no reaction. bite your lip and when tehy walk away go to the bathroom and let it all out. like i said these things come ith time...

I used to feel the same way, but for some reason I was crazy enough to join cross-country and taught myself to like running, which is proven to release endorphins, sort of "happiness boosters." Get out and take a walk or jog in your spare time, play a competative sport, do something fun that will keep you active almost every day. After a week or two you'll get used to it and it really helps clear your head and make you feel good about yourself. It might not sound like fun, but it sure helped me. :)

Here's a bit about endorphins if you're curious:

Contrary to what you believe, you do NOT have "low self esteem", and I can PROVE that!

You're problem is that you think too HIGHLY of yourself, as we ALL do! Here's what I mean:

Have you EVER seen yourself as being SO BAD, that you actually DESERVE to go to HELL???

I'll bet you haven't! I can pretty much guarantee that you consider yourself a "good" person, even though the Bible makes it clear that you are A SINNER! Now, you may say, well, sure I'm a sinner! I mean, isn't EVERYONE? We've ALL done bad things, right? And NO ONE is perfect, right? So, what's the BIG DEAL?

The "big deal" is that, according to God's word, a "sinner" is someone who is WICKED, EVIL, and a HATER OF GOD! And therefore, GOD'S ENEMY! It is someone who has BROKEN GOD'S LAW, His 10 commandments. Have you

You say, man! That sounds SO STRICT! Where's the LOVE in all that?

That's just it! It's in SEEING YOURSELF as undeserving of God's LOVE, and SO DESERVING of God's JUDGMENT! Only then does "Amazing Grace" become TRULY AMAZING!

Can you HONESTLY say that you view yourself as how I have described? I seriously doubt it, and I'll tell you why! Without even KNOWING you, I know that your heart of FULL of VANITY AND PRIDE! Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked." Know what? That's YOUR heart! That's MY heart! "For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)

You say, All I wanted was some HELP! And I say, that is what I'm giving you! Because it is ONLY JESUS CHRIST that makes life beautiful, and WORTH LIVING! And until you let Him SAVE YOU FROM YOUR SINS by repenting (turning from your sin to Him) and believing ON HIM as the ONLY remedy for that sin, your life on earth, your reason for being here, the purpose for which you were created, will NEVER be clear nor make sense! All you'll do is wander aimlessly through this life, SEARCHING for meaning & purpose, and TRYING to make sense of it all, that you might have PEACE WITHIN, a CLEAR CONSCIENCE, and AN UNDERSTANDING of what REAL LOVE is! "God is love" (1 John 4:8), and until you KNOW GOD, you haven't got a clue what REAL LOVE is! And without REAL LOVE, you'll go on through life focusing on YOU and your so-called "need for self esteem and self worth", and you will NEVER find it! Because it DOESN'T EXIST!

But when you realize that GOD LOVES YOU, that is ALL you need! Because it is JESUS CHRIST that makes this life MAKE SENSE! Because HE IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD, having paid the penalty for YOUR sins! "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

One more thing I would say as PROOF that our problem isn't "low" but HIGH "self esteem". Say you go out on a date with a guy, who SAYS he really VALUES (esteems) you highly! And yet, he tries to VIOLATE YOU! Treats you like his "plaything"; attempts to USE YOU for HIS OWN PLEASURE! Tell me, WHO does that guy "value" more......YOU? Or HIMSELF? You know the answer to that! It's HIMSELF! He thinks more HIGHLY of himself than YOU! So, contrary to what you've been taught by this UNGODLY system called "Psychology", that guy's problem isn't "low self esteem", but HIGH self esteem! Right? He thinks TOO HIGHLY of himself! He is SELFISH! And may I say that that is YOUR problem as well! Because rather than letting YOUR CREATOR be the CENTRAL FOCUS of your life, you have made YOU AND YOUR PERSONAL NEEDS the central focus of your life! But your life on planet earth isn't about what pleases YOU, but what is pleasing to YOUR CREATOR! And if you will LEARN AND UNDERSTAND THIS, I tell you with the utmost sincerity, You will STOP being "Miss Misery", and instead be MISS BLESSED ONE!

But that all depends on the choice that YOU MAKE! To say Yes! to Christ and No! to you, or to continue saying No! to Christ and Yes! to you! WHICH WILL IT BE??? It's up to you!

I know this flies in the face of what you're used to hearing! Nevertheless, it's RIGHT! Because it's GOD'S WORD! He made you, He loves you, He wants KNOW HIM, and to live for HIS GLORY, not YOUR OWN! I hope and pray that you will come to understand what I'm saying in YOUR HEART!

Don't let anybody get the best of you. If they pick on you just ignore them and pretend that you don't hear them. If someone upset you don't cry just keep calm and try to talk to that person. Your the only person that can raise your self esteem.

Don't worry about what people think about you. Every one is always going to have an opinion about something. Some people say mean things to others because they are jealous of their looks. You probably look better than the people who talk bad about you, so just smile to them and see what their reaction is.

You are a unique individual and you have unique talents and gifts. All you have to do is focus on them. Maybe they are yet to be discovered. What are your favorite subjects in school? What are your friends like? Do you have good friends who support you and give you encouragement? Everyone gets bullied and picked on now and then. Just ignore them and be strong. You have your own set of principles and values. Be proud of who you are and build on your strengths and try to avoid your weaknesses. You can always email me if you want to discuss this further. I am always here for you or anyone who wants to talk.

just believe in yourself you are worth it!!!

It is really hard to have high self esteem when there are bullies.
Kids in school are so mean. But when you get out of school it will be a whole different world and you can go on with what you are interested in and they will no longer be there to bug you.
Do some life changes, like get a new hairdo, get exercise, lose weight, get your teeth worked on if they need it, just do a makeover and it will make you feel different.
When you are an adult everyone is in the same boat, and the kids have grown up and moved on.
Everyone in my family has had the esteem problem.
When you grow up and do good in your life your feelings should change.
Do some volunteer work, they are always looking for help. Go to a nursing home and talk to the old people, they love it.

go to the gym

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