How do you get over self obsession?!

Question: Start loving your self. What ever you are , you are creation of god and god loves you.So just start loving your self.
Ignore other people's comment on you. you are the owner of yourself and you should start taking care of your self. Life is a gift and make good use of gift.

Answers: Start loving your self. What ever you are , you are creation of god and god loves you.So just start loving your self.
Ignore other people's comment on you. you are the owner of yourself and you should start taking care of your self. Life is a gift and make good use of gift.

Focus on human values and by being good to others .

Get out and help people who are less fortunate. It gets your mind off yourself and makes you feel good in a different way, instantly.

find other things to obsess about

Try to help others. Continue doing my duty towards other members of family.

the moment you start to think negative... stop! redirect your thinking.... focus on positive things. i'm sure you are not ugly or not worthy!! if someone has told you that, they were only trying to bring you down to their level!!!!

Self-obession comes from the way you precieve things around you. For example a beautiful lady vs an ugly lady...
which one would like to be close with?
which one would you like to keep a distance apart.
The definition of beauty and ugly are created by human on a general stanpoint....this does not mean that they are right in saying that a beauty lady must be pretty.
True beauty comes from the heart...queen of all beauty that even time can't fade off it.
Just believe in yourself that god create human with a unique quality that different from each other.I sure that we can live in a better world if we adopt apositive mindset.

open up.converse with an open heart.discuss problems with friends. success comes after hardwork. never be dejected by less performance. there are more unfortunates around than U. we can not change the courese of events. then why to live?.the answer is to spread happiness all around.

hope the link below helps. good luck :-)

Who has confidence in himself, will gain the confidence of others too.

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