Do I have a problem?!

Question: I can't be in a really dirty room because my chest starts to get tight,I feel like im going to vomit,I cant concentrate,im irritated,and I can't lay down on a crowded bed.I sleep next to someone and when the sheets aren't perfectly straight and pillows aren't in the perfect place I feel like im going to die

Answers: I can't be in a really dirty room because my chest starts to get tight,I feel like im going to vomit,I cant concentrate,im irritated,and I can't lay down on a crowded bed.I sleep next to someone and when the sheets aren't perfectly straight and pillows aren't in the perfect place I feel like im going to die

maybe you have anxiety, thats what it sounds like to me, and filth or mess is your trigger

May be you have a phobia. Phobias can cause panic attacks and keep people apart from loved ones and business associates. Symptoms typically include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, irregular heartbeat, sweating, nausea, and overall feelings of dread.

Sounds like one of two things, Anxiety or OCD. Depends on how long this has been going on for.


you need to see a doctor and be honest with them

yew might have OCD. just a guess. I have it.
look it up :]

OCD...obsessive compulsive disorder...see a Dr for some meds, they DO work.

yes you are mentally ill.. just visit nearby doctor !!!

it sounds like OCD, obsessive compulsive disorder. But you cannot be diagnosed on the internet. Make an appointment with a mental health professional. You can look online for psycologists in your area, or talk to the social worker at your public school. Good luck, and remember noone is perfect ;)

if you get those symptoms when you are in a dirty room, maybe you are allergic to dust or something.

But the second part sounds more like a phobia.

nope, I feel the same way about crowded beds.
I hate dirt, but i don't feel like vomiting. I just get angry.

you could have one of two phobias
1. clustrophobia- you have a problem with all the things there adn you feel that they can hurt you
2. your a neat freak

Phobia I get like that too. I like my work to perfect and my stuff. It's a problem yes but its you. You should try to ignore somethings or it becomes a major problem. You live in a world with people

It's not really a problem. It sounds like panic attacks induced by some severe OCD. It's usually a chemical imbalance in the brain. OCD isn't really uncommon. Tell your doctor about it. They'll be able to help you out, but it also can be dealt with without medication. Just takes work.

It sounds very much like you might have OCD or 'Obsessive Compulsive Disorder'. I strongly urge you to consult a doctor right away to diagnose you as there are, I believe, treatments for this. Good luck x

It certaintly doesn't sound normal. I'm no expert, but I'd say it never hurt to go check it out with a physician, as it could be normal allergy symptoms or something minor like that, or something bizarre or more serious, like a psychiatric disorder or something that requires professional attention. Either way, what ever the circumstance, it sound like it's highly treatable by means of medication and doctor consultation, and it could never hurt to check it out. I'd say see your doctor and let them be the judge of things, then take the next step from there.

Sounds like you either have OCD [which isn't as bad as it sounds] or maybe a phobia of dirty rooms and crowded beds. Don't worry--I can't get trapped under a blanket without freaking, which kind of sucks since my brother does that to me sometimes.

In Amityville?

well it seems like you claustrophobic. I personally get the same feeling and get very depress. But thats why i keep my room CLEAN!!!

Panic attack. It's not something that will kill you, but you will continue to be upset over it and scared.

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