Can we ever stop taking medication for bipolar disorder?!

Question: I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and have a had a hard time finding the right medications. Im on Paxil and Seroquel at this moment and even when they are the best ones so far I fall asleep at wok, dont make it on time, no energy etc... I stop taking Seroquel and my energy was back and I even started losing weght, but the big problem is that I started having a manic episode, which I love by the way, and now Im crashing down. I took Seroquel again last night because my husband and therapist insisted on it and because I didnt sleep like in 5 days, and today I feel terrible. I am running out of options and getting really frustated. I want to eventually have a baby but the Dr says I have to quit all medication. Any insight on this matter? Please, serious answers only. Thanks

Answers: I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and have a had a hard time finding the right medications. Im on Paxil and Seroquel at this moment and even when they are the best ones so far I fall asleep at wok, dont make it on time, no energy etc... I stop taking Seroquel and my energy was back and I even started losing weght, but the big problem is that I started having a manic episode, which I love by the way, and now Im crashing down. I took Seroquel again last night because my husband and therapist insisted on it and because I didnt sleep like in 5 days, and today I feel terrible. I am running out of options and getting really frustated. I want to eventually have a baby but the Dr says I have to quit all medication. Any insight on this matter? Please, serious answers only. Thanks

I was diagnosed with Bipolar a few years ago. I was on so many medications it was crazy. It's been a year and a half since I haven't taken bipolar medications. I have two boys...11 & 8 yrs old. It's very hard because they have seen my mood swings and I am so mad at mysef for it. I don't know how "Bipolar you are" everyone has different symptoms. All I can say is I am only taking klonopin right now, but I am also PMDD which is Premenstrual Dysphoric disporder. I see the cycles which do coinside with my period but I tried committing suicide on Seroquel. I took 90 - 100mg pills & almost died. I am only here by the grace of God and since I am off all medications it's been great for a year and a half; I never felt better. I was in a fog on Seroquel. I am now feeling more symptomtic & am afraid to take anything. What I do know is please don't start & stop taking your seroquel it's not healthy. If you want to try for baby & go off your medications just make sure you have family & friends to support you. I feel the best medicine is being honest with yourself & your thoughts. I can't tell you to stop taking your meds because I did. It's not easy. If you make the decision to stop taking them because you want a baby. I recommed doing a trial period without it & see how you feel. If you feel out of control then it may not be the best option for you. You can always adopt. Thanks & good luck.

Whenever you are diagnosed with something this great you must make sure you always take your medication no matter how bad you do not want to. When used responsibly and in conjuction with therapy, these drugs may help prevent future manic and depressive episodes.

Have you let the drug get into your system long enough? You might want to check with your doctor about finding another alternative/medication that will work for you. As with any medication there will always be side effects. Taken long-term, mood stabilizing drugs help prevent relapse into full-blown manic and depressive episodes.

If you are thinking about having child you might want to try an all natural remedy and see if there is a homeopathic person in your area that can help you. All natural Lithium helps, let me know if you need more help.

I know of rare situations where people got their bipolar under control and stopped taking medicine for it, but those situations are rare. I know of many more situations where people stopped taking their medicines and had major problems and ended up in the hospital. You probably feel terrible because you didn't sleep in 5 days. While you love manic episodes, you probably don't make as much sense as you think you do, and your "great ideas" and tremendous energy aren't as productive as you think they might be.
I do think that in your lifetime we will learn more about this disease and find less troublesome ways to treat it.

Good luck,
Dana (M.S. Mental Health Counseling)

Unfortunately medication is a way of life for people with bipolar disorder. I took Seroquel for insomnia and it made me miserable. If you have a good doctor, he/she will work to find the best medication for you. It will take time, but you should not settle for a medication that does not work for you. It could take months but it will be worth it. You are lucky to have a husband who is there for you, so many people with health issues are abandoned by friends and family. Do not give up because there are meds out there that will work.

I thoroughly agree with the last answer. I have bipolar also and have been taking lithium for over 9 years and it does help. But, I too wish I could find a more natural way to treat this, very important to take your meds.

Good luck to you.

Since I don't know you I am going to keep it light. You are an embarrassment to society. You marry a man 20 yrs your senior. OK, love is blind but a man that can be your father. What is going on there. Bipolar disorder ??? Drugs ??? What's all the drama. Your therapist should be arrested. You want to have children, how about a hysterectomy.

Paris try have a discussion with your psychiatric see whether he or she can switch your medication to Epilim or Risperdal. As in the market there are thousand of branded medication. As far as I know even if you are unable to use medication to control your disorder there would be :
* Alternative/Supplemental Therapies
* Bilateral Cingulotomy
* Electroconvulsive Therapy
* Light Therapy

I have tried Electroconvulsive Therapy and it works well and suitable for people that trying to conceived.

More informations can log on to this websites:

It really depends on the person and how the disorder affects them. A person who has bipolar and chooses to be unmedicated has to be vigilant. They would have to adjust their life completely around their moods and the disorder. Often it is just easier, or for some totally necessary, to remain medicated.

It is not unusual for people to have to try many, many med combinations until they find the one that allows them to live the most full life while staying stable. Hang in there.

You need to continue to keep taking your meds because they are whats making you well and my shrink says that some scientists have found that bipolar people who stop taking meds, then relapse, become medication resistant each time they do this. It is called kindling and is related to epilepsy.

Maintenance medication is a necessary evil and if medication side effects are making your life difficult, then you need to discuss changing to a medication that is more compatible with your lifestyle.

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