I Hate Myself?!

Question: I Hate Myself!?
This answer came painfully clear!. I'm afraid to look at myself in the mirror, because I'm afraid of what I will see!. I feel like people are laughing at me as I walk down the street!. I try not to care what people think, but sometimes they say something that strikes a nerve and makes me cry in public!. I no longer have friends, or best friends!. They all are just people I tollerate !. I'm doing awful in school, and just spent the last half-hour attempting to cut myself with a dull steak knife because I showed my report card to my parents!. Too bad it wasen't sharp enough to pierce my skin!. My arms feel like their on fire, and my mind is spinning!. I need to calm down, any tips!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're sure having a battle buddy boy!. You have reached a stage where you need to get professional help!. And quick!. you have a serious problem!. Dan, at 15 it's expected that there will be problems, but this is over the top and the first thing you need to think about is where this is going to end up!. It has degenerated from a bad state to a worse state and you need to be under supervision by a person qualified to treat you!. Nothing anyone says on Yahoo is going to help you the way a one-on-one with a psychologist and probably later referral to a psychiatrist will help you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need to tell someone!. Your parents prefferably!. Report card or no, your parents don't hate you!. They see something in you that you apparently don't!. True, they have expectations, as do you, and they really deserve to know if you need help!. Hating yourself is a heartbreaking way to go through life!. Tell your parents how you feel, and share it with your guidance counselor at school!. That's a start!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

just sit down, breathe, and relax!. don't think about anything for a few minutes!. then you need to come up with a plan!. you have to find someone to talk to, a friend, school counsellor, family member, suicide hotline, someone you can trust and confide in!. it sounds like you are dealing with alot of stress and no one can deal with everything without some one to lean on!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

careful with knives!. they can cause infection :(
um, i can't give you a huge professional answer, all i can say is just try to find something that you like or that makes you happy and really focus on that!. you gotta work on your self esteem and be fine with yourself no matter what others think of you!. try and find at least one other person who feels the same way you do and try to talk to them when you're having issues!. try to stay away from cutting!.!.!.once you start it's really hard to stop

im me if you ever need to talkWww@Answer-Health@Com

First, please seek professional help immediately, call 1-800-273-TALK!. This is a confidential hot line that is available nationwide 24/7!. Follow up with your guidance counselor in the morning to get further professional help!.

Second, you need to love yourself first in order for others to love you!. Please do not listen to what other people say in passing or directly to you, there are a lot of mean and malicious people in this world!. Work on getting help for yourself so you can lead a happy and healthy life!.

Please call the number I gave you ASAP!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

when somebody makes fun of you, shoot back and find something to make fun of them!. it boost your confidence!. as far as the grades go, maybe you should transfer schools or get a turtor!. thoswe people who make fun of you are only doing taht to maek themselves feel better!. if you start feeling better about yourself, i feel that you will start doing alot better!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

who cares wot u look like!. not everyone has to be good looking!. ****, people especially teenagers are very looks conscious!. i was not too hot as a teenager, probably just as well kept me out of mischief!. i could have had relationships with chicks when ivwas younger but i could not be bothered!.still can't be bothered, too scard i think!. hang with the emos if no one else!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It sounds like you may need to talk to a therapist, or a guidance counselor!. Your school guidance counselor will be able to help you speak to your parents about this issue, if you feel that you cannot!. They may recommend you see a doctor, and get his input!.

Best of luck,

Ask yourself what it is you hate about yourself, then ask yourself what you can do about it!. If you can't come up with anything than tell a doctor, psychiatrist or counsellor and they will give you the answers your looking forWww@Answer-Health@Com

You need help!.!.talk to a guidance counselor at your school asap (tomorrow) about all you just said!. If they don't take you seriously see a doctor please!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Medatate !.!.!. Serioulsy Its Good For You!Www@Answer-Health@Com

first off!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. DON'T DON'T COMITTE SUICIDE cuz i would feel awful if u did!. u should call a counseler or a doctor cuz if u risk ur own life!.!.!.!. i would feel very very awful!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There is something bothering you on a deep level!.

1) In the end, only your opinion of yourself really matters!. What others think is fine, but they are not you!. YOU have to live with your own self!.

2) There will never be anyone else like you in creation!. You are original and can not be replicated or replaced!. This is not to make you feel better, it is a stone cold fact!.

3) Your arms on fire show your blood preasure might be too high!. That matches your stress levels!. You should see if a doctor can make sure you are ok physically!. If a person has a physical problem, it can dramatically impact their mood and mental health!.

4) Don't give up!. Be smart!. Think of your true self as the image in a mirror!. It can not be touched by ANYONE else on the outside of the mirror!. All the things that people want you to be are like dust on the mirror!. And anything anyone says to you is only like a finger moving the dust around on top of the mirror!.

Finally - you can and will make it - IF and only IF YOU really want to!. And that is YOUR choice to make!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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