Can anyone tell me if panic attacks sypmtoms last all day.?!

Question: Can anyone tell me if panic attacks sypmtoms last all day!.!?
with trouble breathing rapid heart rate at times i also fear of having another panic attack right after i had one and cant seem to stop it at times what should i do to relax!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I've had things where I can feel my heart pounding for months on end!. I think certain people are just wired in a more frenetic way, it's not even always obsessive thinking but just physical bodily awareness!.

Long term SSRIs as well as short-term benzodiazepines!. Drugs like Xanax, Lorazepam (Ativan), or Clonazepam all work pretty well for calming you down!. Long term tension you will want to get on an SSRI like Zoloft, Lexpapro, or a different one!. Exercise helps to get rid of excess energy, long walks, jogs, weights, etc!. Psychiatric help would be of help right now for you mostly as they will give you these things!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try taking St!. John's Wort (be careful about sun exposure while you are taking it) to improve your mood, and get some lavender essential oil!. Put a little on a handkerchief or something similar that you can pull out and breathe into when you are having an attack!. Think of something or someone that brings you peace or joy and focus intently on them during the attack!. If you are driving, PULL OVER! If you have trouble sleeping, try Valerian root!. These are all non-addicting and can be found at health food or vitamin stores as well as online!.

They helped lessen the effects of the attacks for me, but ultimately, you will have to address the issues in your life that are sending you into these attacks!. They feel entirely physical, but they are rooted in emotional issues!.
For me, I had to forgive someone close to me and ask for their forgiveness in return!. Within several weeks, the panic attacks were gone completely!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes they can!
I have experienced them but not all day - but my best friend feels like that most of the time!
Her solution is alcohol which is a bad solution and can make things worse sometimes and is a depressant anyway!

Go to your GP and he will prescribe something to calm you down!
Then try reading a book called Peace from Nervous Suffering by Claire Weekes!
It really helped me and has useful tips such as tensing all muscles and then relaxing them and breathing into a brown paper bag!
The second tip is very calming as it recirculates the oxygen to the brain!

And remember many people suffer - you aren't alone!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I waited until I was 61 to get to a psychologist who used Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and ended my panic attacks!. It makes me so sad to think of how my life would have been different if I'd just fixed it earlier!.

How long will you wait!? Get some professional help!. You can train your mind to shut down the bad thoughts, but it takes a good experienced coach to help you learn how!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

When I first started to get them it felt like I was having them all day for about three weeks!. I started taking an anti-depressant and it helped me through it!. I was still worried about getting them but they rarely came back!. If you have insurance see a social worker or a doctor!. To relax I would say to myself nothing bad is going to happen to me it is just in my head!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think that's very possible!.
I would go to the hospital though to make sure!.
I used to get panic attacks all the time in high school, it's a miserable thing!.

Try drinking some tea (without caffine) and reading!.!.!.get your mind off of whatever is bothering you!.
You could also try taking a nice warm bubble bath and listening to music!.!.!.light a few candles and just chill!.

I hope you're okay and I hope this helped!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I had them terribly until I found ways to control them without medications!. They can last all day!. I was able to control mine better if I were around people instead of by myself and also if someone told me about their bad day or troubles then I was more concerned about them and took attention off myself!. I hope it gets better for you!. I can only imagine what you are going through from my own experience and I wish people didn't have to get this way!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No, it will end - it won't last all day!. Trust me!.
Do something you like to do : listen to music, work on your car, pull weeds!. Take your mind off of those other thoughts, because you are fine and will be OK!. Don't let those thoughts bother you!.
A co worker of mine slowly began to recognize those thoughts for what they were, and was able to put them behind her!. I know you'll be able to do the same!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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