Why do i find it more scary?!

Question: Why do i find it more scary!?
I am getting treatment for depression and anxiety disorder but i am feeling worse about getting help than having these!. I know this is because i have to face my fears but i'm not sure if i can do it!. How can i motivate myself and stop myself failing!?!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

First of all you will not fail if you continue going to your councelling sessions!. Even if you dont say much at some appointments you are still there and each time is a step closer to you getting better!.
Dont think about facing your fears just let it come out at these sessions!. Ive been there and i was like you, i would think ahead when you have just got to take each day as it comes!. I went to councelling for 15 months and got really far, but when i first started going i thought i would never talk about the things i did!. I would think it was all a waste of time and no one could help me with what i was going through!.
I used to try and keep all the feelings and fears to that hour with the councellor!. When the hour was over and i would still be thinking of the things id talked about and things i still have to talk about i would tell myself ' save it till next week'!. I would dedicate that hour each week to dealing with my depression and try to forget about it till the next week!.
What ever you do dont give up!. Think of those people who sit there and let there life pass them by and dont get help!. You are trying to figure stuff out and you will get there if you belive in yoursef and look after you!.
Hope i made sense here!. Good luk you will get there, you just need to put in the hard work to help yourself!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It is scary reaching out for help!. Look on it as being a step on the road to recovery!. You are doing well realising that you need help and it shows you have determination and inner strength!.

Try to remember you can't fail you will only get better!. There is no failure!. Everything will be done at a pace to suit you so your fears will be dealt with when you are ready and able to do so!. Try writing down a daily journal and put in it your emotions for the day and what you have managed to do!.

Maybe write down what you need help with or how you would like to be helped!. You will get through it!.

I wish you all the best


The best way is to set up a support system for yourself!. Have friends and family encourage you to take care of yourself and keep you on track!. Your therapist and doctor are also part of your support system!. Having people help you will make this difficult task easier!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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