It's 5am how do I get to sleep... sleep deprivation is destroying me...?!

Question: It's 5am how do I get to sleep!.!.!. sleep deprivation is destroying me!.!.!.!?
I've been so very irritable lately, and I'm tired of it!. My period is late and I'm convinced if I would just EFFING BLEED! Everything would be all better!. My mood is crap, I'm tired, cranky, angry at everything!. My emotions are all out of whack, I'm crying over stupid things!. I want to eat EVERYTHING sugary and fattening!. I'm starting to feel depressed!.!.!. I need to sleep!. Sleeping pills don't work for me!. It's horrible to take one meant for 8 hours of rest and only get 3 or 4!. You're a zombie the next day!.


I've tried all sorts of relaxation techniques, listening to music, soothing decaf tea, relaxing my body!.!.!. I even paid my cousin for a back massage one night!.!.!.

UGH!!! NOTHING WORKS! I was an insomniac a few years ago for about two or three years straight!. I was so happy thinking I was finished with that!.!.!. :[

Please help!.!.!.!. :(Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi, there are various reasons for insomnia!. You have to analyze each factor systematically!. Here are some points that you need to explore!.
1) Hormonal imbalance: Since you said that your period date delayed plus the other PMS!. Consultations with an endocrinologist needs to be done!.
2) Nutritional needs: Chalk out a healthy eating plan!. Stick to it for atleast 3 months!. Your bio-rhythm needs to be set well!. The body clock has to trained on times related to meal intake, exercise or sleep!.
3) Exercise: More you exhaust your legs, more chances are there for you to feel tierd and sleep by default!.
4) Resolve your past traumas if any!. Visit a Psychologist or a Psychiatrist if needed!.
5) Remove the boredom out of your life (if any) and engage into social and intellectual activities or purse some hobby!. If you are not get sleep , utilize that time in practising your indoor hobby!. Your self-esteem will be boosted and once your eyelids get heavy , you will get sleep automatically!.
6) Lastly drink a hot cup of milk 1 hour before you decide to sleep!. Do this for atleast 3 months continuously!. Instantly your sleep problem is not going to go away!. You have to be patient and consistent on the plan that you follow to uproot your sleep issue!.
Thats all my friend!.

Best wishes,
Shraddha!. C!. Sankulkar

Well, you sure make me glad that guys do not have menstrual cycles!. you have to stop thinking when you go to bed!. Get yourself a hot water bottle for creature comfort in bed, and to make your feet cosy and warm!. Cuddle into a soft pillow and pull you bedcovers right up and over your ears!.
And make yourself stop thinking!. Yes, MAKE yourself!. You can!.

Sweet dreams!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think that you need to light a few candles, listen to some good (soft) music, (after a bubble bath of course) drink a malt drink that will relax you and go up to a nice clean and fresh smelling bed early, like 8!.30 / 9!.00!.

Oh by the way, put the candles out or you risk burning your house down and you'll die!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

go see a psychiatrist!. he will help u or your family doctor!. i use zolpidem and / or antidepressants to help my patients sleep, sometimes u must try different drugs or combinations until you get the best one!. melatonin only makes the drugstores rich and it doesn't work
frank , family practitionerWww@Answer-Health@Com

Melatonin!. It comes in one pill over the counter and contains vitamin B6 and calcium to make it work properly!. It calms the nerves and assists in sleep!. It is not expensive ($5)!.
It comes in 3mg and you can take 6mg at a time!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stop having menstrual cycles!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Thorazine for the sleep!. Shotgun for the birds!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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