How do I assist a puking friend best?!

Question: How do I assist a puking friend best!?
My friends and I wanna go on a boat tour in summer so one of our friends gets horribly sea sick but we begged her to come and i said I'd be carin for her!. what's the best way for me to do this!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

I'm a SCUBA instructor, I've seen hundreds of people puking on a boat, and there are a lot of rules and tricks, here are some of my favorites!.

Above all else, let her know it's no big deal, and it's nothing to be ashamed about!. Everyone gets seasick from time to time, and you should never let a little seasickness ruin your day!.

1) Keep her in the middle of the deck!. The middle of the boat rocks the least!.

2) Make sure she eats food that is easy to digest!. Avoid high sugar content, grease, and dairy!. Over eating and being hungry are also horrible!.

3) Keep her on her feet and moving!. People are seasick when their inner ear tells them something different from what they are visually perceiving!. If she's up and moving, her body will expect motion, and will be less likely to fight the signals coming from her inner ear!.

4) Use Drugs! Bonine or Dramamine work extremely well!. Take them a full hour before the boat ride, and continue to take them at the recommended intervals as described on the box!. If she already feels sick, it's too late to take the pills (she should still try to take them, but chances are she'll just puke them up)!. If she does forget to take the pills and pukes, have her take the pills as soon as she's finished puking!. She'll say she feels fine and she will fight you about this, but once you start puking, you don't stop until you are back on shore!. She has a window of about 30 minutes to an hour before she starts feeling sick again!. The pills need this much time to start working!. Just make her take the damn pills! They wont hurt you if you don't need them, but they can save your day if you do!.

5) Look at the horizon!. It's the same principal as staying on your feet!. If your eyes see you're moving, your body will accept the signals coming from the inner ear!.

6) STAY AWAY FROM THE DIESEL FUMES!! Few things will make someone puke faster than getting a whiff from the diesel fumes!. Stay in a well ventilated area as far away from the exhaust as possible!.

7) Avoid too much sun!. Stay in the shade, don't get overheated, and drink plenty of fluids!. However, a stomach full of water will make you just as sick as being dehydrated!. Clear bubbly fluids work wonders!. Gingerale is the king, sprite works pretty well too!.

She's puking
1) Puke over the side rail of the boat!. Going down below will only make you more seasick!. Plus, being inside a boat is not a safe place to be when you're puking, being rocked all over the place, and your balance is already shot!. Going down below while you're feeling sick is a good way to turn seasickness into a serious head injury!.
Plus, it's much easier to hose off the side of the boat then to mop up a bunch of puke inside the hull!.

2) While she's puking over the rail bring her water to rinse, sprite to sip, and a towel to wipe her face!. The typical pattern for seasickness puking is a strong heave, pause, multiple smaller heaves, a 10-45 second break, and then the pattern repeats until the spell passes!. She'll know when it passes!. This is when to give her some more pills and remind her to start drinking the sprite!.

3) Remind her that it's nothing to be embarrassed about, and encourage her to purge her stomach!. If she fights the urge to puke, she'll be sick all day, if she clears out everything in her stomach, she'll feel right as rain for at least 30 minutes!.

4) gently run your hand up and down her back and over her hair in between heaves!. Don't rub her back or stroke her hair while she's puking, but when she's gasping for air or sipping her sprite, a little physical contact is very comforting!. Be COMFORTING, not PATRONIZING (don't say "poor baby," or "I feel so bad for you")!. Ask if she would like for you to bring her anything!.

5) Listen to what she says!. If she wants to be alone, leave!. If she wants you to dance, start grooving!.

6) Once she's finished, treat it like it's no big deal!. Go back to whatever you were doing before!. The worst part about being seasick is the embarrassment of puking in front of everyone else!.

No one should care, no one should joke, no one should even notice!. Nothing more than a simple,"are you ok," or "can I get you anything" in a plain and direct tone of voice should be said to her regarding the incident!. If you notice she's embarrassed remind her everyone gets seasick at one time or another, and it's not a big deal!. Now if you're telling her it's not a big deal and everyone else on the boat is making it a huge deal, she's not going to believe you!. Stand up for her and keep the others in line!.

You can joke about it when your back on land, but only if she is ok with it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


There are anti Seasick meds available Dramamine and others that may help!. Light meals and crackers seem to help some people!. Motion sickness is no fun but talk to a Dr and see what can help her!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Make her take deep breaths
Have her think of something soothing
Rub her back
Maybe play some good calming music or just music she likes to take her mind off getting/being sick!.
//////just be there to support her!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Take sea-sickness pills, beginning when her feet are still on dry land!.

If you've ever been sea-sick, you'd understand why she doesn't want to go!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

be there with her, try and distract her from the sea sickness

and if that doesn't work pull her hair back and rub her back

just be there for her

good luck!Www@Answer-Health@Com

i think that if you were really her friend you wouldnt have brought her along if it makes her sick!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I don't really know any sea sickness cures, But I find ginger ale/beer settles my stomach when I'm sick!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

buy some dramamine for her before the trip!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

just keep her hind off it and ceep her motivatedWww@Answer-Health@Com

Here are a TON of options for you:


hold theyre hair or leaveWww@Answer-Health@Com

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