Strange flashy thoughts?!

Question: Strange flashy thoughts!?
Hey, I wondered if anyone else has had this wierd experience!. Last year I was quite down as moved to a new place, hated my job and was having major family issues!.!.!. I felt a bit out of control!.!.!.!.

NOw I have always been a 'worrier' who thinks far too much!.!.!.!.

I got a sort of 'flash' in my head, like a thought which was a horrible image of me hanging from a tree!. It panicked the life out of me, really really upset me!.!.!.!.I went on anti depressants, life picked itself up and I felt alot better, the bad thoughts disappeared!.!.!.

What happens now is that sometimes I seem to get these ' thoughts' again, but its almost like I put them in my head myself (does that make sense!?) and I get preoccupied with them!.!.!.and the more worried I get the more anxious I get and I have more thoughts!.!.!.!. Everytime it happens I am terrified!.!.!.

The Dr said initally it was a reaction to my depression!.!.!.

Has anyone experienced similar!?!?

thanks xWww@Answer-Health@Com

Is it a thought, or is it more of a 'flash' - an image!? For example, let's say you're falling asleep, not feeling particularly depressed or upset or happy or anything!.!.!. you're relaxing, and then POOF - there's the image! You certainly weren't thinking about that, and you have no idea where it came from or where it went!. It wasn't a train of thought as much as it was kind of a quick pop-into-your-head type of thing!.!.!.

If this is what you're talking about, don't worry about it!. It's common with people on certain medications, or even unmedicated people with abnormal REM sleep patterns!. These 'visions' can even happen when you're fully awake, and are more likely to happen if you're stressed out or if you didn't sleep well!.

They're called hypnagogic hallucinations!. They're harmless and usually have no basis in reality!. One example!? I've had one where my grandfather said "Don't fill the flower out of stretch heater!"!. Not only does the sentence make zero sense, but!.!.!. my grandfather has been dead for 12 years, but it sounded as if he were in the room!. I wasn't sleeping, and it came as a JOLT out of nowhere!. ;)

I've had similar things happen as well!. Usually for me, they're audio only but that's not typical!. Check out the Wikipedia link and see if any of that sounds like it could be what you're experiencing!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yes, I get horrible visions all of the time!.
A few years ago I was treated for anxiety and although my moods improved, I still would realistically imagine dark things!.
I still get these visions, and also scenarios (such as walking into a room and finding family members dead) and they happen all the time when I am doing normal activities, like brushing my teeth or getting ready for bed!. I went to a counseling for them and was told that I have a vivid imagination, which contributes to the images, as well as underlying anxiety!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Yeah i get them but they've kind of become normal for me!. I guess i either talk to some about the thought and image or i distract myself!. I know this doesn't stop them but have you tried counselling to deal with them!? If medication has worked in the past then maybe it's worthwhile going back to the GP and see what he/she suggestsWww@Answer-Health@Com

no i ve heard storyies though, thiss will sound crazy but if you are religous have the local priest bless the house then contact me da1great1gonzo@yahoo!.com if your not religous also contact me
you may have a ghost in your house that is possesing you
dead serious!. not a joke!. can get seriously bad!
did you experience this directly after moving in!?

everyone that is experiencing this please do the sameWww@Answer-Health@Com

Maybe you need to talk this through with a professional - rather than try to put these thoughts out of your head you might need to explore then further,ie talk about how you are actually feeling at the timeWww@Answer-Health@Com

You may need to talk to a phyciatristWww@Answer-Health@Com

It could be images from a past life!. Yes, I am serious!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am glad to hear that you are sharing this with your doctor!. I have been through depression and was suicidal but I never had an image of myself during that time!. It could be because of the depression that you think these things and if you dwell on it too long perhaps that is why you get an image in your head!. Are you still on your meds!? Did the pictures go away while you were taking them!? You said your feeling better but it may not be because the depression is gone so stay on your meds and continue to talk to your doctor about this!. If you don't like the answers your doctor gives you then try to find another but always be completely open about what your thinking and feeling so that you get the best help for your situation!. Good luck hun, I hope all is well soon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

OMG!!! that was my same case before!.!.!. first i believe you are sensitive that you start thinkin of things that bothers you !.!.!. and at that time those thoughts bother you becoz you would be under alot of stress!.!. i wa\nt to tell you that they are all in the mind !.!.!. and when some1 is under alot of stress a HI would bother them !.!. you know what i mean !.!.!. i mean that a stupid thing would bother u if you are deppressed like me :S:S!.!. i i faced this and now i m used to it !.!. i know that its all in the mind becoz i m deppressed!.!. just calm down and stop thinkin abt it !.!. think thats its stupid and not true !. and even if its true always have in mind this qesution : ok then what !?!?!? or so what !?!?!?!?
and try to answer!.!.!.!. u see these bad pictures ask urself then what !?!? ok so f*ing what screw you all those thoguts !.!. be stronger than your mind dont let it win you as it did to me and i gave up !.!.!.!.!.!.then what !?!?!? even if these images came to ur mind then !.!. why would you let them affect ur health and lead you to medications :S:S
plz i know how hard it is just be strong and mever give up !.!. and dont worry !.!. gd luck (K):)Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have had similar experiences!.!.!. For me it's important to keep control over my own mind!.!.!. As soon as a bad thought appears, reject it!.!.!. It gets better in time!. Its also important to stay away from things that could trigger your thoughts!. Like horror movies, and shows!.!.!. Including things with spiritism!. Spiritism in particular, has had strange effects on us!.!.!. Hope that helps!. By the way, you might want to see if you are having symtoms of Bipolor disorder!.!.!. I have heard of people who have it, having picturing dark things!. Remember, Theres no shame in getting help!. Be well!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

i dont know if this is going to help but i get similar with thoughts of my bf!. i get really paranoid about him not loving me and i wind myself up by planting ideas in my own head!. Like ill run through situations in my head that have not even happened and they make me so angry and the emotion that comes with them is like it has really happened and then im horrible to him for no reason!. i dont know if im touching on what your getting, but these thoughts are a reaction to your deep down feelings!. i know they are scarey but the only thing in which i can suggest is to find a way to get rid of the thoughts!. eg, when you get them, almost have a convo with yourself and discuss how your feeling, this may help you to draw links between particular events and thes thoughts!. either that or plan an immediate reaction to the thoughts, im not saying dont deal with them, but for example, the min you get one, go for a jog or call a friend so as your moving away from the thoughts!.
i hope this helps in some way

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