Do you guys think he deserve it?!

Question: Do you guys think he deserve it!?
I got involved in a hit and run and this guy hit my car from the right side and his plates came off!. But the thing is, he seems innocent, he did commit the crime but he said he didn't kno or realize that what he was doing was a hit run!. He would've stopped and exchanged info if he had known it would turn into something that big!. He seems like a good kid and all, and besides from that, he even VOLUNTARILY went back to the scene to look for his plates, unaware of what he did after he got permission from his boss because he was on his way to work at the time!. He even told me he was willing to pay for all the damage on my car!. It really seems like he didnt kno what he was doing!. Do you guys think he still deserves punishment!? hit and run is a pretty huge thing and even though this kid is nice and all, does he still deserves harsh punishment!? Im confusedWww@Answer-Health@Com

The bottom line is kids do dumb things!. He probably was trying to drive off before you could figure out who he was but then when he realized that his plate was missing he had to go back, confess, and play dumb to avoid getting into even more trouble!.

My guess is he panicked and made a stupid irrational decision that he most likely will never do again because it probably scared the hell out of him!.

Thing about the law is it does not care weather or not a person even knows they were in an accident or how it happend they get punished all the same!. It will go on his criminal record, his insurance rates will skyrocket (if he can even get insurance at all), and he could even have to spend time in prison!. How is all that going to help anything!?

Yes, he made the wrong decision, but he does not deserve what the law will do to him if you turn him in! Turning him in would serve no real purpose, it would only cause more damage!. Let him fix your car, have talk with his parents, and I think he will have learned his lesson!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think this guy should be punished!. What you have to ask yourself is, why didn't he know what he was doing!? He was driving a car on the road, he should have known what he was doing!. Drink or drugs maybe!? I would at least exchange insurers details,if he doesn't pay you can then go through the insurance!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

He obviously knows what he did, you have to hit something hard enough to knock plates off!. He's being nice because he knows what a Hit and Run charge will do to his record!. Of course he'll pay for everything, better than what that charge will do to him!. Report it as a Hit and Run!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Fair enough he is being so nice about it, but if he is driving a car, don't you think he should have a knowledge of the road rules!? It is taught to kids that they have to stop when they get in an accident!.
Just thought I'd offer another perspective to think about!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

No I don't think he deserves harsk punishment, because it doesn't sound like he meant it!.Www@Answer-Health@Com


Honestly, he meant to run!. The ONLY reason he came back to get his plates, and I am assuming he didnt even know his plates were gone till he got to work!. And realized he was screwed bc you have basicaly an Id card (license plates numbers carry drivers information)!. So he went back and could be the nicest thing to you as long as you didnt press charges for actualy leaving!. Of course he will offer to pay now, the punishment and debt is less sevear!. But its on you, ya know!? Its whats on your mind at the end of the day and what you think!.!.!. I am a military Police officer, i deal with hit runs, traffic accidents, you name it!. Everyone is unfortunately guilty until proven innocent in my eyes!.!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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