Anyone who is bipolar...?!

Question: Anyone who is bipolar!.!.!.!?
my doctors think i am bipolar!.!.!.and i think i might be!.!.!.but i dont know!. has anyone who has been bipolar had this really deep emptiness inside that just suddenly came on!? like all of a sudden things just meant nothing, like music couldnt touch you anymore and you were totally unable to laugh and completely distracted by random things!? and also, extremely irritable and irrational at the same time!? like i would go out and drive and listen to music before and it would calm me, but now it just gets me all tensed up and i cant stand it!.!.!.its like bugs are always crawling under my skin and it drives me insane!. if i cant find some help for this soon im afraid that i may decide to end my life because if i am going to be like this forever!.!.it just isnt worth being around!. and yes, i am a christian, so please, dont drown me in how i need religion, i already have it!. i am looking for real answers here!. thanks guys!Www@Answer-Health@Com

What a lot of people don't know is that there are different types of mania!. Most people think of mania as "happy and high!." But a large percentage of bipolar people don't experience it that way!.

A lot of bipolar people have mania that makes them anxious and irritable!. They feel over exposed and wired!.

My doctors think I may be bipolar as well, and this is the type of "mania" I experience!. I also get the "happy and high" kind, but anxious and wired mania is very common!. This type of mania also has a higher risk of suicide because it is so intense and unpleasant!.

But here's the thing: bipolar is very treatable!. You just have to hold on for long enough for you and your doctors to figure out the best way for you to deal!. It may be talk therapy!. It may be some kind of drug therapy, short or long-term!. It may be both!.

But if you hang on, you will find a way to get your life back to normal!.

If you feel at immediate risk to yourself, if you feel like you may commit suicide, please go to the ER hospital near to you, and tell them you feel like you are at risk to yourself!. Your life is important, and sometimes you have to take big action to protect it!.

If you want to email me, feel free to do so!. Everyone needs someone who understands, and I feel a lot of the same things you do!.

Hang on!. There is an end in sight, whether you can see it or not!. Reach for God, reach for friends and family, reach for help!. Do whatever it takes to live!. Life is the best thing we have, even though it's hard sometimes!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just because you are bipolar doesn't mean you cant lead a full enjoyable life--you just may need medication to regulate your moods!. Being bipolar doesn't mean your life is over--there are numerous great medications out there to treat this condition, however, you need to work closely with a doctor--preferably a psychiatrist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You don't need to feel the way that you do, there are excellent medications out there for you!. Ask your doctor to prescribe something for you - if it doesn't help he can try you on another one!. You might also look for a bipolar support group in your area!. The way that you are feeling is very typical of bipolar disorder, please get the help that your doctor can give you!. Life can be wonderful for you!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, thinking of ending your life is simply bad, i suggest going to see a therapist or something to get your feelings out and on the table, it may sound kind of stupid and embrassing but it potientally will save your life and you will feel really good afterwards, As far as the Bipolar thing i can't help you very much, just watch for symptoms then you probably will know!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I am not bipolarWww@Answer-Health@Com

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