What are some daily things to do to improve your mind, body, and soul.?!

Question: What are some daily things to do to improve your mind, body, and soul!.!?
Okay, so I have a day planner and the days start tomorrow!. I have almost nothing to put for each day!. All I have is, 'swim laps in pool, make shopping list, read book more, and bible study'!.!.!. So, what are some things I can make a habbit for me to do, that'll improve my health in my mind, body, and my soul? Thanks in advance!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I always know I am in good spirits when I make up funny songs and sing!. Sometimes if I am starting to slip feeling low I start singing to my Swamp Monster (my big black dog)!. I make up lyrics about her finding her sea monster babes and I can really begin to feel silly and laugh at myself, in return forgetting how many problems are steaming on my bulging plate of life!. I really feel that being silly and laughing at yourself every once in a while (in private or in front of a loved one) can be great for fertilizing the soul!. Do you have a pet to sing to, if not you should get one!.
Also, reading my Bible is very refreshing for my serious side!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Try getting outside of yourself!. Volunteer some place where you can be helping others help themselves!. Habitat for Humanity, Red Cross, food banks, soup kitchens, churches, just to name a few!. Maybe join a Bible study group!. Hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Feed your body well with healthy nutrients!. Overall health improves when the body is nourished!.

Try recipes here:http://powerdrinks!.wordpress!.com/fill-up!.!.!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Have a daily routine like go to bed at 10:00 and get up and 8:30, eat less sugar5 hours before you go to bed!. for more go to wiki!.comWww@Answer-Health@Com

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