My friend's daughter has an unusual addiction to tanning?!

Question: My friend's daughter has an unusual addiction to tanning!?
Her 16 year old is tanning on a daily basis, and actually looks like a very dark Hispanic girl at this point, although she should be fair and blonde, it's weird how obsessed she is with her skin color!. Her mother called all the tanning salons in the area threatening them with a lawsuit if they continue to let her in, she took her vehicle away, and the kid is still finding ways to get her sessions in, it's unbelivable!.

Does anyone have any suggestions that might help break this habit!? We gave her photos of people with skin cancer, showed her how it ages your skin prematurely, nothing seems to have any impact! She is starting to look like an old pair of loafers! Help!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Constantly tanning on a regular basis is very harmful and dangerous!. Research has shown that people who have tanning on a regular basis have a much higher succeptabilty to getting skin cancer!.

Those of you who said that they have had tanning for a couple of years and are ok, are deceiving themselves!. The damage will not show right away, it will come out at a later stage in life!.

You could be married, have children, pregnant and suddenly develop skin cancer!. The treatment is not nice, and the chances of you seeing your children grow up, get married, etc can be affected by premature death!.

These are FACTS, not hearsay!. Just because you feel fine now is not ok, as it's not now, but later you will suffer!.

Think of losing your partner early in married life!. Feel the anger you feel that you should have taken notice


well i know people who tan!. and theyve been doing it for a while and theyre perfectly fine!. if she wants to risk it fine!. tell her she can go once a week, or not at all!. its her decision to risk the cause of skin cancer!.!.!. just try to limit her time there!. maybe you could get her in the habbit of!.!.!. running!. or going to the pool!. give her more things to do!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

ive been going to tanning beds occasionally for around 2 or 3 years now and my skin is still perfectly fine!.
maybe your just being a little old fashioned in your opinion!.
its her skin and her health, if she wants to risk it, let her go ahead!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

can't the kid's financial supply be cut off!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Stop her money supply!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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