Does electro shock therapy help with anxiety/panic/depression?!

Question: Does electro shock therapy help with anxiety/panic/depression!?

Please try this link to the Mind website

Making sense of ECT:

the information is easy to read and understand!.

Hope this helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Hi!. ECT is a really effective therapy against depression, mania, bipolar disorder, and often schizophrenia!. There are many debates because in the past in many mental homes it was used in a very cruel way aginst patients, and not to pursue their wellness!.

Today it's different!. Ect is made under general anaesthesia, with a low level of direct current (0,9 ampere) applied diretcly to the head, near particular ares of the brain!.

In normal patients often it's better a pharmacological therapy, but if we think about pregnant women, we know that many drugs can damage the baby!. In that case the ECT is the only effective way to cure, trying to avoid the most dangarous risk in psichiatric patinents, the suicideWww@Answer-Health@Com

I work as an anaesthetic assistant in the UK, and have, in the past, worked on ECT lists at a mental health hospital!.

The first couple of treatments, you don't really see much improvement, but after a short course, you can definately notice a change in the person's well-being!. I have yet to see someone who wasn't at least slightly improved by a course of ECT!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

There is a lot of debate about this!.
It's meant to, because what it does is reset all of the neurons in the brain, but I don't know!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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