Fear of death since having first baby?!

Question: Fear of death since having first baby!?
I just had my first baby a month ago, and pretty much since the day she was born i became terrified of dying while she is young and never being able to be there for her/watch her grow!. I never had a fear of dying prior to her being born, but now it seems i find myself scared of death on a regular basis!. (i do not think suicidal thoughts etc!. so dont get it confused with any kind of severe post pardum depression i am talking about here) is this a known phenomenon, or am i just paranoid or what!? I know that it is an irrational/irregular fear and i would do anything to get rid of it and just ENJOY my time with my beautiful daughter!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I have 4 kids, and I fear that as well, not only for myself not being able to be ther efor them, but them dieing as well!. But we both know you can't live your life like this, right!? So aside from seeking professional help from a doctor you need to take control of this fear!. Put it in the back of your mind and tell yourself that there is no sence is thinking these things!. Yeah it'll pop into your head sometimes, but when it happens to me I just start thinking about something else or I aaccept my thoughts and move on!. Death can happen to any of us at anytime for whatever reason, so theres no sence in living our life in fear!. Good luck, if your unable to battle these fears on your own, please seek medical help, we only live once, we should make it the best we can!Www@Answer-Health@Com

it seems that you may have anxiety, I don't know about post partum anxiety, but I know that depression and anxiety go hand -in -hand!.
if this is disturbing you, go get help!.
I suffer from anxiety and even a small dose of natural antianxiety medication helped me!. My doctor gave it to me, he is an endocrinologist (I have Thyroid) !. What I mean is that sometimes you don't necessarily need to go to a Psychiatrist!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Congrats!! See your MD!. Sounds like post partum depression, hormones out of whack!. I was scared to death of SIDS when my two boys were born!. I think I was also fearful of something happening to me and I couldn't care for them or wouldn't be around!. Your MD can help!. I wish you the best!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Probably a hormonal imbalance!.!.!.!.!.!.!.go back to your doctor and let her/him know how you feel!.

Congrats on the baby girl and best to you!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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