Am I missing out on a huge part of life because of high school?!

Question: Am I missing out on a huge part of life because of high school!?
Since I converted from public high school to private, why do i feel like i'm missing out on a major part of life!? I really hated public school cause I had to deal with school, all these asshole teachers, drama, my locker was busted in like the dumbest way possible ( the part that holdes the lock in was busted, not the locker door part ) and my things got jacked twice so i had to pay the fines for the lost books, and my schedules got changed for an entire year for something beyond my control!. I eventually got fed up with it and switched to private school cause its drama free and more relaxed, and my grades have gotten alot better because of it!. But mentally, im feeling like im missing out on a huge part of life just cause im not in the normal school enviroment!. But when i think about it, there was nothing great about public high school, so why do I feel this way!? Why do I think i will regret being in private school when i graduate even though I perfer it over public high school!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

We can get addicted to drama, yes, yes we can, without being aware it is happening!. Now you have removed yourself from it and some part of you is craving the action, even tho' it was negative!. Look for other things to fill up your drama free time, make someone else's day every day, soon you will see the lighter side of life!.
Peace and best wishes your way!Www@Answer-Health@Com

maybe cos ur an emoWww@Answer-Health@Com

school ruined my life i went public and all the teachers cared about was how the school looked on paper and the pupils were treated like numbers and that they didnt have feelings!. they didnt bother about quality of work they just wanted it in by the deadlines so thats why i have probably failed all my gcses and wont be able to get the job i wanted or get into college!. i wish that my parents would have paid for me to go private then you would also have less drama from your parents as well i think private school is the best way of schooling!.
be proud that you are able to afford to go!.

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