Violent urges ? I'm serious, on the way into work this morning...?!

Question: Violent urges !? I'm serious, on the way into work this morning!.!.!.!?
there was augy standing on the pavement outside his office smoking, I don't know if it was intentional or not but I had this urge to put the upraised palm of my hand under his chin, push upwards and leave him in the road!. Now I feel like strangling my colleague cos he is eating with his mouth open and talking as well!. I am not a violent person, okay I yell sometimes but physical violence is not my style!.

Do I need help, or will this pass !?Www@Answer-Health@Com

Feels good to talk about it doesn't it !? Talking helps!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I get angry!. Usually when I'm in a big crowd of people (like a shopping centre or a supermarket) and people aren't moving as fast as I'd like them to!.

Best thing I did was to have a child!. With her in the trolley, I can claim I didn't see the person, give a quick but insincere apology then walk off smiling!

As for you, it's time to take a break!. Leave the room, go for a walk, anything you need to do to calm down without punching your colleague!. They might be annoying but they're not worth losing your job over!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Sounds like you are really stressed today and small things are setting you off!. If it continues you may want to seek help for it!. Try to go somewhere for a few minutes to calm yourself down, away from everyone!. If you are still feeling this way in a little while you may want to play sick and get out of there for the day, give yourself a break!. We all have days when everything that grates on our nerves seems magnified, sometimes we feel like we are losing control!. I hope you get it all evened out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You do need help!. You really shouldn't be feeling all this anger!. Everyone annoys me bu i don't have violent thoughts about hurting them!. i just use my tongue, it's much more cutting!! Go and see someone or this could get out of your head and you may end up at the magistrates!.!. xWww@Answer-Health@Com

what is an augy!?
as long as your only thinking it and not doing it you'll be ok!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

look into anger management!. if you can learn to compartmentalize you will feel physically better!. these things you mention are no reason to get upset; but you know that!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Go bang one out and everything will be OK with the world again!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

I think you need to get your leg over more often!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Change jobs or go on an anger management course!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

Just leave it be and you'll forget about it!. Please don't do any physical harm!. Things will get worse!Www@Answer-Health@Com

repressed anger sweeti! go punch a pillow!!Www@Answer-Health@Com

Um!.!.well!.!.!.it's almost a full moon!. Maybe that explains it!. Sounds like you need a vacation, hon!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You need help!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

you sound like a right nutcaseWww@Answer-Health@Com

its okay ,dont fret !! things could have been much WORSE , believe me!.

Want to try something DIFFERENT !?!?!?
just do the following RIGHT NOW ;

1--chant OM (OM as in HOME but without the 'H')repeatedly,forget everything just do it NOW !!!!!!!
doing this for 5-10 mins will give a sense of power within you!!!

if you find this useful let me know ,i will tell you a more stronger method!.

note: women durimg their periods are not to chant OM but they can chant HARI

this i say to you on basis of teachings of 'param pujya ASARAMJI bapu'


Are you a reformed smoker and craving nicotine!. Perhaps seeing this guy triggered of these cravings and brought your latent anger to the fore!.

My hubby was the same when he gave up smoking his temper was just awful!. He got over it by taking up swimming and cycling!. Okay now though!.

As for guy eating with his mouth open that would get me going too and I would have to say something even at the expense of being ostracised by my peers!.

All in all it sounds like you could have OCD with control freak tendancies!. It also sounds as though you need to a change of scenery too!.!.!.!.a complete break from your surroundings!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

You're certainly holding inside a lot of anger and frustration!. It's not the people that are really affecting you it is something else you have been holding onto for sometime that needs to be addressed!. You need to work out a healthy way to vent it before something happens you might regret!. I would suggest working out, esp heavy weight session really helps to vent that frustration!. Or a boxing bag or pillow and let lose beat the crap out of it!. You must get rid of it!. Also I would suggest talking to someone you trust about anything that has been really concerning you!. You need to let go of what your holding onto inside!.
All the best!. You are human but vent it in the right way!Www@Answer-Health@Com

If I were a non-smoker I would be angered by someone blowing smoke in my direction!. Probably not to the extent you were, but I would have probably said something to him to let him know his actions were socially unexceptable!. As for the co-worker, I too dislike when people / adults don't have enough manners to know it's impolite to talk with their mouth full!. So again, I would have sneered at him or said something to let him know that I noticed his rudeness!.
If I were you, and this type of thought pattern continues, I might consider anger management!. Just for the sake of not letting others have that kind of power over my emotions, especially over issues of the ill-mannered, which is becoming increasingly worse these days!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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