How long does it take to adjust to braces?!

Question: How long does it take to adjust to braces!?
My twins age 13 just got braces yesterday and they are having a really hard time with them!. They are sore but that's not even the biggest issue!. It's eating!. They say they can't bite down right because their teeth are hitting the braces and they say it's hard to chew!. plus they hate the feelings of all the food getting caught everywhere!. I bought a ton of soft foods like jello and pudding and cream of wheat cereal but they aren't eating much!.

How long will it take for them to adjust!? They keep saying they think they put them on wrong and are whining about how they'll never eat again!. I keep reminding them it will get better!. Anyone have any experience with trouble eating with braces!?Www@Answer-Health@Com

well, i'm 14 and getting my braces off in a little over a week, i had them on for nearly 2 years, the day after i got them on, i went to a pool party, i had to eat the cheese off the pizza and 2 huge bowls of ice cream (not that i'm complaining) but it took me 3 days to adjust, it can take about 1 week MAX though, in the mean time, they should only ear soft foods such as:
ice cream
cream of wheat cereal

do NOT give them any hard food for a bit until they tell you it no longer hurts, also, they can have pain killers, i didn't use any as it didn't hurt that much, now, the food getting stuck in the braces, that can be a pain, i figured out a way of getting it out on my own (without use of fingers) but they sell these little brushes about an inch long that look a bit like christmas trees, the orthhodontist should have given them some, but they sell them in most grocery/drug stores

also, brushing teeth is VERY important with braces on, bruch above and below the brackets and wire and tell them to get the bristles through the wire to get off any plaque, also, flossing is good, it is hard with braces and very tedious though, thread the floss up or down benind the wire and in front of the tooth and then you can floss between those two teeth, remove floss, repeat in another place, you should also get some mouth wash, it makes geetting food/plaque off/out easier though should not replace brushing/flossing, have them use it in the morning and night (before they go to bed) the best is some of the mouth wash meant to be used over night, the ones that prevent plaque from forming, it makes it less to scrub off/ floss/ get out of behind the wire in the morning, not to mention, plaque is just plain bad to begin with

hope i've helped!

EDIT: oh, i forgot one thing, they will probably get some cuts on the inside of their mouth for the first week or so, they have special wax to put on the braces, if the orthodontist didn't give them any, it is also sold in most grocery/drug stores, your twins will have to take some off, roll it between their fingers to make it soft, then just press it to the braces, it has to be taken off before eating and brushing teeth, oh, it may also taste gross, but either they will get used to it, deal with the cuts, or go out and buy flavored wax (i had mint flavored)Www@Answer-Health@Com

Well, I've never had any experience with it personally, but lots of my friends have had or do have braces!. I think the pain will stop soon, but tell them that it's nice for them to have good looking teeth in a couple of years!. When their teeth don't hurt as much, tell them to take an apple everywhere - this will clean their teeth! Rice is quiet easy to eat, as is bread etc!. No lollies etc!. Hope this helps!Www@Answer-Health@Com

I remember when i first got braces they were sooooo annoying!.
It will take around 6 more days for there sour teethes to go away and then they can eat again!.

It will take around 2-4 weeks to get used to it properly!. But the Orthodontic will retiten there braces every 6 weeks so they will have the sour teeth's again but those times it will only be for like 4 or 5 days!.

I suggest you make them soup to eat cause thats just about all they will be able to eat!.

But trust me after 4 weeks they won't even no they have braces on cause i have them on now but it feels so normal!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

It might take a few days!.!.!. I'm sure their teeth probably hurt!.!.!. (braces litterally move bones around) so they will hurt for a few days!.!.!. also it will take a while for them to get used to the metal on the inside of their lips!. make sure to get some dental wax for them to cover the braces with if they get mouth sores!. I remember after I first got braces I lived on cheesy mashed potatoes and PBJ for two weeks!. also, there are small brushes that are made specifically for braces to remove stuck food!. you could probably find some at your local CVS or Walgreen's, or ask the orthodontist!. My best friend was a "Water pik" that I used to clean out my braces every night before I went to bed!.

Braces stink, but they are sometimes a necessary evil!. they should get used to them!. If they really start having trouble up to two weeks in, then have them checked out!.Www@Answer-Health@Com

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